Do:一个给力的助动词 和汉语不同,英语常用助动词 (auxiliary verbs) 来给主要动词进一步语义或语法信息。这里介绍一个常用、管用的助动词:do 。 Do 是个动词,可是放在命令或指示前面,do 变成一个有强调语气和敦促作用的助动词: Do be good! (对孩子:要听话!) Do be careful! (小心哦!) Do come again! (再来哟!) 大家知道 Do come again! 和 Please come again! 两句子的区别吗? 这里举几个 do 的不同用法: Do shut up, Michael, and get on with your homework. Do write and let me know how you're getting on. If I do come, I'll bring some food. Customer: Can I buy stamps here? Storekeeper: Well, we do sell them, but we haven't got any at the moment. Visitor: May I have a look at your beautiful garden? Host: Please do! (Please do = please do have a look) 汉语虽然也有助动词(如“我去做”,“我要做”,“我会做”),但汉语的助动词通常不是明显表示的,而是从语气/语境领会出来的(“我做!”),这可能是为何中国人说英语时不习惯把 do 当助动词来用的一个原因吧? 顺便一提,英语还有这些其他助动词: 1. Jay may get a call from his son today. 2. I shall be there at 6. 3. She could be late coming. 上面句子 may, shall 和 could 都是助动词。 教你一句文雅赞词:agree with 英语陷阱:这三个相似词语你能区别吗? |