曾雇佣修理行业的读者们也许会有类似上面曲子里描写的经验吧!这曲子也让我想起昭君写的有关耶鲁大学英文教授Dr. William Deresiewicz和水管工人打交道的烦恼:精英教育的误区 (ZT) http://blog.creaders.net/dreamweaver/user_blog_diary.php?did=55909
twocents, 今天才有时间上万维看看,来你的“小院子”走走,看到你的评论,知道心情有些低落。是为了报税的事吗?需要什么帮助吗?我虽然不是什么持牌的CFA or CA,但我是经过专门培训的bookkeeper,有时候会接一些“私活”(私人或self-employer的税务)来做。(主要是打发时间和不想因为呆在家里而就此丢掉所学的专业知识)
如果有什么能帮助你的,请email给我或留QQH。即使是谈谈心也行。I think you woud not need my help since you have been here for a long time and have planty of professionals in your family.I just want to do something to cheer you up.BTW, about the letter, I'am still working on it, it has been a busy week and I promise to tell you some story about it later.