谚语入门 – 从英语谚语看时事 成语 (Idioms) 和谚语 (Proverbs) 的区别,在于谚语是“民间智慧”提炼成的短句,其意义通常不言而明。 英语成语和汉语成语有一个不同:汉语成语通常已经有动词,故可以当“独立句子”运用,而英语成语通常缺少动词,要当作句子中的一部分用,比如“破釜沉舟”是完整的句子,但 "a dime a dozen" 需要造成句子后才有完整的意思。 下面介绍十句常见谚语: 1. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. 绝对权力绝对导致腐败。 此谚语来自英国理论学家艾科顿 Lord Acton,他说: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." 2. The early bird gets the worm. “早起的鸟儿有虫吃”。 3. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. 有点“下梁不正,上梁完蛋”的意思吧? 4. A fool and his money are soon parted. “一日暴富,一月报穷”。 5. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. 牵马近水易,逼马饮水难,亦有“强人所难,徒劳无功”的意思。 6. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 此谚语来自英国作家博拍 (Alexander Pope) 的论文“论批评” (On Criticism)。略有“浅学误人”或“一知半解很危险”之意。 7. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater. “良莠不分一起抛弃”。 8. A person is known by the company he keeps. “近朱者赤,近墨者黑”。 9. A picture is worth a thousand words. “一图值千言”。 10. Familiarity breeds contempt. “近而生厌”。 |