8 招让你说一口流利的英语 练出地道的英语口语其实不难,但对很多中国移民这却是很烦恼的事,今天在油管偶然看到一位印度教授的讲座,学好英语口语的秘诀他解释得非常好,从个人的经验来说,我觉得他的方法简易、实用、有效,下面我摘录他的讲座并译成中文,把讲座的 8 条规律贴出与大家分享: 1. Practice when you can and where you can. 随地、随时练习你的口语。 2. Use simple sentences to get your ideas across. Simple sentences help you build confidence. 使用简单的句型来表达你的想法,这可助你建立信心。 比如,与其说 John is such a glutton that even though he just ate a huge dinner he still wants to eat a cake for dessert. 不如说 John eats too much. He just had dinner, but he still wants dessert. 3. Experiment with words and phrases that you already know. Focus on phrases rather than just the words. 实验(和试验)用已经学到的单词和短语。重点是短语的用法,而不是单词的意思。练习同一个意思的不同表达方式。比如 I really enjoyed my dinner. My dinner was really enjoyable. That dinner was delicious. It was an unforgettable dinner. 等等。 4. Always respond when someone speaks to you. 人家对你说话一定要回答。 5. Observe the other person’s body language. You can learn a lot about what is meant from the body language. 观察对方的“肌体语言”,从肌体语言你可以更了解词句的含义。 6. Do not translate between languages. Translation makes you hesitate when you speak. 不要在两语之间反复翻译。与人对话时翻译语言使你踌躇不决。 7. If you don't know a word, it’s ok to use gap fillers (such as well, uhmm, er, …). This is better than keeping silent. 不要怕使用英语连接词(比如 well, uhmm, er, …)。用第二语言交流遇到卡殼(所谓“黑色的三秒钟”)很正常,在出现“黑色三秒钟”的时候迅速使用语气连接词可以使我们的口语听起来连贯通畅,这比保持沉默要好得多。 8. Do not speak too fast. If you relax, you will keep a normal pace and tone when speaking. 话不要说太快,紧张使你说话太快,如果你放松,你将保持正常的说话速度和语调。 以上 8 条规律,和下面 3 个要诀: 1.Confidence (要有自信心) 2.Don’t be shy (不要害羞) 3.Be polite (要有礼貌,要记住用 “Please” , “Thank you”, “You’re very welcome” 。) 让你可以很快练出一口流利的英语口语。 How many ways to say “yes”? 英语课 - 如何对老外说“很棒”? 美国人怎样骂人? 这些可不是赞语 - 如何认识英语讥嘲 周末英文字谜 |