基础英语常见的错误 下面的英语字句,在基础英语里最为常用,可也是最常用错的字句,而且因为错误不在于拼写,软件查不出来,所以即便英语为母语者也常搞错。 1. We’re 和 were 错:Were going to try one more time. 对:We’re going to try one more time. 注:“We’re” 是 “We are” 的缩写。“Were” 是 “are” 的过去时动词。 2. Ware 和 wear 对:You wear your clothes, but you sell your wares. 对:I always wear green on Saint Patrick’s Day. 对:The wear and tear of daily struggles can be seen on John’s face. 对:The saleslady from Xerox is here to peddle her wares. 对:You can buy dinner plates from houseware stores. 注:“Ware” 是商品或器皿。 3. Loose 和 lose 错:I always loose at the casino. 对:I always lose when I bet against the house. 对:Your clothes are too loose. You should get a smaller size. 4. It's 和 its 对:It’s such a joy to visit Toronto. We always enjoy its cultural diversity. 错:The car is overheating and its making that funny noise again. 对:The car is overheating and it's making that funny noise again. 注:“It’s”是 “it is” 的缩写。 5. They're 和 their 和 there 错:The managers are in they're weekly planning meeting. 对:The managers are in their weekly planning meeting. 错:Workers must check there cell phones at the door, and their not happy about it. 对:Workers must check their cell phones at the door, and they're not happy about it. 6. i.e. 和 e.g. 错:You can use any word processor (i.e. Microsoft Word). 对:You can use any word processor (e.g. Microsoft Word). 注:i.e. 是 "that is"; e.g. 是 "for example." 7. Affect 和 effect 错:The power outage shouldn't effect any users during work hours. 对:The power outage shouldn't affect any users during work hours. 对:The power outage shouldn't have any effect on users. 对:We will effect several changes during the next phase. 8. Impact and affect 错:The outage shouldn't impact any users during work hours. 对:The outage shouldn't affect any users during work hours. 对:The outage should have no impact on users during work hours. 注:Impact 不是动词,可以考虑用 affect 来代替: 9. “You’re” 和 “your” 错:Remember to service you're car on a regular basis. 对:Remember to service your car on a regular basis. 错:Your right about the changes. 对:You're right about the changes. 10. Different than 和 different from 错:This setup is different than the one at the main office. 对:This setup is different from the one at the main office. 对:This setup is better than the one at the main office. 11. Lay 和 lie 错:I got dizzy and had to lay down. 对:I got dizzy and had to lie down. 对:Just lay those books over there. 12. Mary, marry 和 merry 对:I found my Mr. Right. We are going to get married. 对:Merry Christmas! 对:Let’s eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die. 注:”Marry”, “结婚”“嫁”“娶”,是动词。 “Merry”, “快乐”,是形容词,”Mary” 是名词,是女人的名字。 13. All ready 和 already 对:Are we all ready yet? 对:Are we there already? 14. Except 和 accept 对:Everyone except John is married. John is the lone bachelor. 对:We must accept Mark’s proposal. We have no other choice. 15. Adapt 和 adept 和 adopt 对:We must adapt (适应)ourselves to the new environment. 对:John is adept(擅长) at swimming. 对:We must learn the customs of our new adopted country(移居国). 对:He has adopted (接受,兼采)the ways of the Americans. 对:They are going to adopt (领养)a baby from China. 16. Bare 和 bear 对:In China many babies go bare-bottoms. They do not wear any pants. 对:I can’t bear the thought of you leaving me. 17. Anyone 和 any one 对:Did anyone see where the robber went? 对:Please give any one of the DVDs you have in stock. 18. Among 和 between 对:Becoming fluent in English seems to be among the many challenges faced by immigrants. 对:I often travel between Florida and New York. 注:“Among” 适用于三者或以上之间。”Between”只适用于两者之间。 19. Borrow 和 lend 这两个字有一样的中译:“借”,但在英语有大大的不同。 对:I borrowed a book from my teacher. 对:I will lend him a can opener. 对:I am going to lend my car to my brother. 20. Then 和 than 错:The accounting department had more problems then we did. 对:The accounting department had more problems than we did. 注:当一个句子以 If 开头时,你并不需要接着来一个 then. Then 完全是多余的: 错:If you can't get the computer to start, then you'll need to call Ted. 对:If you can't get the computer to start, you'll need to call Ted. 21. Could of, would of 和 could have, would have 错:I could of installed that application by mistake. 对:I could have installed that application by mistake. 错:I would of sent you a meeting notice, but you were out of town. 对:I would have sent you a meeting notice, but you were out of town. 22. Whether 和 weather 对:Americans will weather (安然度过)the financial storm and be once again a proud people. 对:The city of Calgary has very unpredictable weather(气候). 对:Whether(能否) America will again be prosperous, only time will tell. 23. Wonder 和 wander 对:This boy cannot sit still. He is constantly wandering about the room. 对:Mary always wonders whether John has any romantic interests in her. 您对这些文章可能也有兴趣: 常用成语中英对照兼造句 精选口语英译和造句 此文资料部分来自网络 |