常用英语短句 - 客套语 任何语言都有它的独特表达方式或习惯用法。在日常生活使用不恰当的语言方式,小则导致误解,或让人在背后把我们当笑柄,大则在事业上产生负面影响。这些不恰当表达方式带来的尴尬,通常是从百分之百正确的中文表达方式直译来的。 下面介绍一些常用短句的北美习惯用法: 1. 你好! 行:Hello. 对(正式):How are you? 对(对朋友):How’s it going? 或 How goes it? 注意:要是人家对你说 How’s it going? 你的答案应该是 great! 或 not bad 或 so so 或 okay. 不必作进一步解释。这是一句客套话,"it" 没有什么具体的含义。千万不要回答 How is WHAT going? 2. 喂! (接电话时) 对:Hello. 3. 你要什么? 或 你想要什么? 错:What do you want? 这可能冒犯听者的一句话我在华人超市常有听到。What do you want?! 对西方人是不客气的一句话。习惯的说法是: 对:What would you like? 对:What can/may I get for you? (对上司/顾客要用 may) 对:How can/may I help you? 4. 你喝咖啡加糖吗? 行:Do you add sugar to coffee? 对: How do you take/like your coffee? 5. 几点了? 行:What time is it? 对:What’s the time please? 对:Could I have the time please? 对:Do you have the time? 6. 今天晚上,昨天晚上,明天晚上 错:This night, Yesterday night. Next day night 对:Tonight, Last night, Tomorrow night 7. 你说什么?我听不懂。我听不清楚。 错:What did you say? 对:I beg you pardon? 对:Pardon me? 8. 我请客 对:It’s on my tab. 对:It’s on me today. 对:Let me get that. 9. 买单 错:How much is it? 对:How much do I owe you? (街头语) 对:Could I/we have the check please? 10. 发票 对:Could I have a receipt please? 11. 请让路 错:Please move. 对:Excuse me please. 12. 别客气! 错:No problem. 对:Not at all. 对:You’re very welcome. 对:It’s nothing. 对:Anytime! 对:It’s my pleasure. 13. 麻烦你 错:Can you/Will you … 对:Would you mind (helping me out/holding the door/等等) 对:Could you… Would you 和 could you 是较有礼貌的说法。 14. 好!没问题。 随时奉陪。 错:Okay. 对:Sure thing 或 Tell me when. 15. 小声点行吗? 对:Would you mind making less noise? 16. 下大雨了。 错:The rain is heavy. 对:It’s pouring. 对:It’s pouring rain. 17. 替我向大家问好。 对:Say hello to everybody for me. 对:Please send my love/regards to everyone. 相关链接: How many ways to say “yes”? 如何对老外说“很棒”? |