常用成语中英对照兼造句 (注:此文乃周末英语考题 之续) 读者们也许没想象到,汉语成语和英语成语常有相似意义。这里介绍几个在生活和工作上常听到的,和汉语成语有相似意义的英语成语,以供参考: 1. 听而不闻,视而不见 “Turning a deaf ear” or “Turning a blind eye” City Hall is turning a deaf ear to complaints about the new levies. 2. 一丘之貉 “Birds of a feather” All the men from that area like to drink,shoot pool and act macho. They are birds of the same feather. 3. 谈天说地(闲聊) “Shooting the breeze” Why don’t you drop by after work? We’ll have a beer together and shoot the breeze. 4. 无关痛痒 “No skin off my nose” I don’t care if you spend your last penny in that store. It’s no skin off my nose. 5. 徒劳无功 “Whistling in the wind” I thing she was just whistling in the wind. Nobody paid any attention to her complaint. 6. 锦上添花 “Icing on the cake” After that big promotion, his winning the top prize was icing on the cake. 7. 黔驴技穷 “At (my/his/etc.) wit’s end” I am not getting through to him. I feel like I’m talking to a wall. I’m at my wit’s end. 8. 浑水摸鱼 “Muddying the water” Please don’t muddy the water. We must stick to the matter at hand. 9. 得意忘形 情不自禁 “Beside oneself” Mary is beside herself. Her son just made it to Harvard. 10. 喜出望外 “Beyond one’s wildest dreams” The award was a total surprise. It was beyond my wildest dreams. 11. 心满意足 “To one’s heart’s content” Hey everybody, eat to your heart’s content. This meal is on me. 12. 喜眉笑脸 喜笑颜开 喜上眉梢 “Smiling from ear to ear” Mike was smiling from ear to ear. His girl finally agreed to marry him. 13. 百折不挠 不屈不挠 “Blood, sweat and tears” These Chinese immigrants’ success wasn't just luck; it was blood, sweat and tears all the way. 相关文章:英语课 - 测试你的成语知识 |