五分钟英语:诺贝尔奖,刘晓波,常用成语 近几天老诺和老刘把媒体和万维搞得沸沸扬扬,笔者也随兴写了几篇博文。对我来说因为有些概念需要用英语才能充分表达,并且英语的表达方式也比较“有意思”,我写文章时常用中英文两思维方式起草。这里顺便介绍“刘晓波获奖”的事情让我想起的几个常用,有“意思”的英语成语: Had it in for (“把眼睛盯上了某某人”– 有怀恨,等时机报复的意思) The authorities had it in for Liu Xiaobo for some time. They were just waiting for the right moment to make their move. “Charter 08” gave them the perfect excuse to do so. Off-the-cuff (即兴,不假思索) When Liu Xiaobo suggested (during an interview) that China would need “300 years of colonialism” to catch up with Hong Kong, he was simply making an off-the-cuff remark. But the anti-Liu faction seized on the remark as proof of his unpatriotism. Poetic license (也称 Literary license。指不按规或破格的,故意夸张的词句 - Expressions used by a writer to heighten the effect of his work) When 2cents used the title 《“三百年殖民地”:一句话让你名垂千古》for his blog, he was taking a poetic license to magnify the gravity of the absence of freedom of speech in China. Tongue-in-cheek (“舌头放在脸颊里”– 形容有幽默,讽刺性,开玩笑的话) The Chinese people lack the tradition of western-style humor. When one says something tongue-in-cheek, it is important to precede it with “this is only a joke”. A 64-thousand-dollar question (难题,没有明显答案的问题) When will China achieve political maturity? The answer may not be “300 years of colonialism”, but it is still a 64-thousand-dollar question. “三百年殖民地”:一句话让你名垂千古? 五分钟英语:“full of itself” 和相关成语 |