对我来说,奥巴马的访问还有另一个深刻的意义:“征服”了英国人民的,不仅是上面说的“被统治者”的角色转换,也是奥巴马作为“个体”(Obama the man) 的内在文化素质和修养。这个高尚的文化素质和修养我们在下面奥巴马在英国议会的演讲可以看到。 >
上面那段演讲录像再次提醒我,基础西方文科教育 (Western liberal arts education) 是多么的重要。很多观察者认为奥巴马是五十年来美国最有修养、最好口才的总统(口才上克林顿可能除外)。尽管口音和英国人不同,奥巴马的英语在英语“母国”令很多英国人相形见绌。奥巴马的职业上的成就大部分可以归功于良好的西方文科教育。
奥巴马童年时在雅加达公立学校读了一年书,之后转入荷兰教士办的圣弗朗西斯阿西西天主教学校。 回到檀香山后,奥巴马在Punahou 私立学院完成中学教育。 他的西方文科教育是洛杉矶私人院校 Occidental College 和哥伦比亚大学给他的。本科毕业后奥巴马进入哈佛大学法学院获得法学博士学位。
【大学本科教育在美国被称为liberal arts education,字面意思是“自由教育”,可是其涵义却非常丰富。(涂仙注:比较准确的翻译是“西方文科基础教育”。)
Liberal education最初指在古希腊时期,给自由男人的教育。这里的“自由男人”指的是相对于奴隶、工匠等那些听从他人命令进行工作的人。而自由的男人则往往有权选择自己的生活方式和道路。到了近现代,liberal arts education逐渐成为大学教育的代名词,。。。Liberal education强调对“整个的人”的教育,而不是对“技艺”的教育,注重的是如何把一个人教育成一个能够独立思考、具有价值观念和道德操守、了解文化差异的健康个体。Liberal education是美国高等教育的特色,它通过对学生的全面教育,培养学生表达能力和分析问题能力。一般来说,在liberal arts education系统下,学生需要学习艺术、历史、哲学、人文、社会科学、自然科学等领域内的课程。在接受了足够广泛的学习后,学生根据自身的兴趣选择一个专业方向,进行进一步的深入学习。因此,虽然当今科技发展日新月异,新学科、新问题层出不穷,但美国的大学教育依然是紧抱传统。时至今日,美国人的大学入学率已经超过50%,而大学教育也越来越多地体现了公民教育的功能:即在21世纪的美国,社会到底需要公民具备哪些基本的素质和知识方可胜任新时代的公民。
文科教育是为“个体”做一生准备。要做社会的领导,文科教育是必不可少的。良好的文科教育, 将有助于你的幸福。我记得读大学时一位好友曾感叹对我说, "It's so sad, we're becoming technological giants but spiritual dwarfs."(真是太悲哀了,我们成为科技巨人,但精神上我们还是矮子。)
- “Please do not elevate Obama to a level that he is not.”
Nowhere does the article “elevate” Obama.It merely postulates that his success is due in large part to his superior liberal arts education.
- “What has Obama really done for this country? Is America much worse than it was 10 years ago???”
There is no assertion in the article that he has done wonders for his country.(Although it is my view that his election is a sign of progress for America,that is not the article's contention).
- Is it true that China under the leadership of engineers such as Zhu Rongji,Hu Jintao,really made a positive impact on Chinese people and mankind in general, balancing out everything?
Clearly any discussion about China,which is governed under a different culture and governmental structure,is beyond the scope of this article.
Please do not elevate obama to a level that he is not. Obama is uniquely charismatic in the sense that he is a mixture and symbol of black revenging against the white. His popularity comes only from the high percentage of black people in the U.S. and british commonwealth countries and, more ironically, the tolerance of white people to black due to historical moral guilt. So, for obama to become the president, isn't it a reflection of white people's moral conscience and civility?
He reminds me of Martin Luther King, Mao Tze-dong, desmond tutu of south africa. Has Martin Luther King really promoted humanity in terms of advancing mankind's interest. Probably not. Why? Because America is decaying since American Africans culture are continuously corrupting the social norms of this country. All the good values of Yankee americans such as industry and social responsibilities have been lost and are replaced by near-sighted instant gratifications and pleasure seeking and disdainment towards science and technology. This is almost the same as Mao Tze-dong, who really destroyed the social harmony and consolidations among people of Chinese heritage. Another great example is desmond tutu: see how bad is South Africa after the africans took over.
Obama is incapable of any significant ingenuity except for chanting "yes, we can". What has obama really done for this country? Is America much worse than it was 10 years ago???
Is it true that communist China under the leadership of engineers such as Zhu Rongji, Hu, Jintao, really made a positive impact on Chinese people and mankind in general, balancing out everything? Will you admit that Japan really rose based on her focus on acquiring and digesting modern technology? Was the Ching dynasty much more superior than the empire of Japan in terms of superfluous literature and art? Who then lost the war and who eventually suffered and sobbed in shame and bitterness likely a spineless castrated eunuch???