一个课堂学不到的万能词:Have 英语最常见的动词 Have,是个丰富和灵活的万能词,同时,它的灵活性也常让我们最头痛。 Have 有两个现在时态:Have, Has, 和一个过去时态:Had。它们的否定词 have not, has not, had not 也可以写成 haven’t, hasn’t, hadn’t。(这三个字的发音是 havent, hasent 和 hadent。) Have 有几乎无限的,料想不到的不同意思和不同用法。 作为动词它可以意味: 有,拥有,存有,享有,具有,抱有,怀有,经历,遭受,使,让,做,进行,举行,表示,生育,怀孕,知道,战胜,支配,欺骗,诈骗,挨骂,角斗,说明白,等等。 作为形容词 have 的意思可能是: 过时,必须,没救,完蛋,吃够苦了,取得胜利,有爱意,倒霉,等等。 可是作为名词 have 的意思又不同了: 拥有者,富人,富国,等等。 Have 之被称万能词,是因为你要它代表什么就可以代表什么。Have 的意思要看上下文,要从句子和文章的整体来看它的含义。 下面是 have 的几个常见用法: My children had fun at the birthday party. (孩子们生日派对玩得高兴。) You can have a peak at this picture. (让你偷看这照片。) Michelle Obama already has a place in American history. (奥巴马夫人在美国已经有历史地位。) I saw Obama having a smoke. (我看见奥巴马吸烟。) She is going to have a baby. (她有孕。) I am honored to have the opportunity to serve my country. (能有机会为国家效劳我很荣幸。) All the have's and have-not's are invited. (所有富人和贫人我们都欢迎。) 现在我们来看看 have 的几个预料不到的用法: I’m good at nothing, who’d have me? (who’d = who would) (我这么无能谁要雇佣我(娶我,和我做朋友,等等)呢?) I have to buy this pen. (have to = must)(我必须买这支笔。) I've got to buy this pen, it’s so cool. (have got to = absolutely must) (这笔真酷,我非买它不可!) I have gotten used to his always being there for me. (在我最需要他的时刻,他总是在我身边,我对这太习惯了。) We've been had! (we’ve = we have)(我们上当了!) They had us. (我们被他们欺诈了,我们输了,等等。) I’ve had it with you! (I’ve = I have) (你和我完了,我对你已失去信心。) I’m afraid we've had it. (I’m = I am)(我们完蛋了!) You defamed me behind my back. I won't have it! (不准你在我背后说我的坏话!) The boss has (got) nothing on me, I’m not worried. (我没给老板什么把柄,我不怕!) I have nothing to do with Bob. (我和 Bob 没有交往;我们没什么关系。) It has to do with his inferiority complex. (这归咎于他的自卑感,这和他的自卑感有关。) He was punished. He had it coming. Serves him right. (他受处罚,活该!) He has it in for us. (他怀恨我们,总是给我们找麻烦。) Sharon is going to have it out with him. (Sharon 和他要摊牌了。) I will have it my way. (我要自打主意。) He is going to have it his way. (他要一意孤行。) He'd have had me in three more moves. (再走三步棋他就可以赢我了。) Rumor has it that John is a philanderer. (有谣传说 John 爱打情骂俏。) 你说,have 可不是很巧妙吗? 实用英语(2) - Make Up 的几种用法 实用英语(1) – will, shall, would, should 2011-05-30 修 |