如何三个月内学好英语-2 Previous article: 如何三个月内学好英语? (英文版-1) WRITING 1. After reading every article, do a précis (that means summary) of its main points IN ENGLISH. 2. Pick out five sentences from the article. Try writing those sentences using different words. 3. Write at least one essay or short story each day. (Did you notice how frequently my blogs appeared?) 4. After writing the essay, go back and see how it can be improved. 5. Although I would not normally use Google translation for language learning, there is one specific use which is helpful. It is called bi-directional translation. After you have translated a word or sentence using Google, translate the result back into the original language and compare it to what you have previously written. This will give you an idea of whether your original is correct. LISTENING 1. Visit these excellent free internet audio sites regularly: BooksShouldBeFree.com http://www.learnoutloud.com/Home http://storynory.com/pond-life/ 2. Listen ONLY to English-language news radio and TV broadcasts. 3. Use this site to learn the correct pronunciation: http://text-to-speech-translator.paralink.com/ 4. Change your natural listening preference. Instead of “tuning out” English language announcements and conversations that you hear in public places (and automatically “tuning into” Chinese conversations) as you'd normally do, instead make a point of picking out the English language sounds in your daily life. KEEP AT IT FOR THREE MONTHS. DO NOT WAVER. To be continued… Previous article: 如何三个月内学好英语? (英文版-1) 相关连接:如何三个月内学好英语?(中译)(二) |