“以後他們也把您稱“老外”,您就不要有怨言了” - 為什麼要等以後呢?現在我就沒有怨言啊?我就是老外啊。我們部門剛買了個乒乓球檯(VP 對全部門的人聲稱是為我買的,因為我是chinese,我 supposed 喜歡打乒乓球),結果我又打得不太好,弄得滿部門的人都在拿我開心,說“你這個 chinese 怎麼乒乓球打得這麼爛。。。滿部門的人都管我叫chinese,我就是 chinese 呀。。。我就看不出來我應該從哪開始抱怨?”(請您也不用替我指出來,I like to keep it this way, idiotically happy)
凱利 ... 您可能是對的,但我實在是 can care less about my education, make a living 而已,making a living 都挺難得了,在朋友間說句話,還要注意自己的形象和身份,累,太累,不划算。。。對不住啊,只圖自己開心、輕鬆,影響華人形象了。I will try to refer them as "European Americans" when I talk to my chiese american friends.
So Sorry, will be by your side next time that happens. On a side note, I read reader's digest jokes quite often, and it had occurred to me several times thinking "Hummm....I wish 2 cents could translate this into Chinese..." How about that, my friend?
let me get back to 凱利, since I said so many "老外"s 。。。case#1,the lady is a senior principal scientist at the world largest pharmaceutical company.... case#2, the lady who called her own husband "laowai" is a senior director at the world largest pharmaceutical company ... as of me and the bunch of friends of mine kept calling the european americans "laowai", are a bunch of Ph.D.s.... yeah, yeah, I agree, who said Ph.D.s were not a bunch of 大老粗.... all I am saying is that, it's just a habit, the term does not mean much, especially not "disrespect".