“易趣”填字游戏(附答案) 填字游戏是强化英语词汇和思维能力的最好方法之一。下面贴出一个 “易趣”( "easy and fun" )的填字游戏,让大家这周末做脑子运动。 (请打印后填写。) Across 1. It flies on a string 4. Mammal that swims and barks 7. Artificial Intelligence 8. Abbreviation of "amount" 10. Musical Note after La 11. Wishes to God 13. Men wear around the neck 15. In debt 17. Unusual 18. Sheep sound 19. Hairstyling product 21. Suspicious 24. Morning 26. Memorable period of time 27. A single one 28. Score in hockey 29. Pleased | Down 1. Small motor vehicle (as in go _ _ _ _ ) 2. Roman 2 3. Hearing organ 4. Pig’s home 5. In the position of 6. In front of an audience 9. Organizer of a team or business 11. Flower part 12. Moist and heavy 14. Love _ _ _ Many Splendored Thing (2 words) 16. Very small 18. Boast 20. Return to the ground 22. Snake-like fish 23. Cloth fragment 25. Modus Operandi 27. Battery size | Source: 网路 答案: ![](http://blog.creaders.net/upfile/201101/20110131053736718630.jpg)