当年的印第安人部落林立,彼此经常进行战争。要想在众多部落中间通行,需很高的政治技巧及和当地人交朋友的艺术。要想进行那些冒险和探险的工作,没有亡命的精神是根本不可能的。当时从蒙特利尔出发西行的百分之百都是富有冒险精神的男人。女人根本不会跟他们去。常年在当地人中间周旋的那些人只好去找当地的女人。女人除了是男人的生理上的伴侣外,还有更重要的作用。那位为Hudson Bay 工作的英人Matonabbee 在1760’s 向他的上司Hearne 解释说,前面的英国人西行探险失败的原因是他们没有妇女的帮助。女人能架设帐篷,浆洗衣服。在夜晚使男人温暖。“And in fact there is no such thing as traveling any considerable distance, or for any length of time, in this country,without their assistance.” Matonabbee 自己就身体力行,他娶了六个老婆。历史书没说那些老婆是什么民族的,猜测该是印第安人。在1782年,当法军围困Fort Prince of Wales ,Hearne 向法军投降了。Matonabbee 感到耻辱,就上吊自尽了。他的六个老婆和四个孩子在那年冬天全部饿死了。当年,大自然的残酷可见一斑。
“喂鸡”百科的“红河谷”条目下说是反应了Métis对返回安大略男友的怀念的心情。这个大概只是其中一部分人的情感,至少记录这首歌曲的作者不是那样认为的。因为今天的英文歌词中有这样的句子:“As you go to your home by the ocean”。若作者想像的是向东回安大略,那无论如何也不需要和海洋打交道。
From this valley they say you are going(leaving) We will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile For they say you are taking the sunshine That has brightened our pathway a while
Come and sit by my side if you love me Do not hasten to bid me adieu Just remember the Red River Valley And the cowboy that loved you so true
Won't you think of the valley you're leaving Oh how lonely, how sad it will be? Yes, think of the fond heart you're breaking And the grief you are causing (bringing)to me
As you go to your home by the ocean May you never forget those sweet hours That we spent in the Red River Valley And the love that we shared mid the flowers
Come and sit by my side if you love me Do not hasten to bid me adieu Just remember the Red RiverValley And the cowboy that loved you so true