西奥多·罗斯福(Theodore Roosevelt),就是头像被刻在什么山头上的那位,他的一个特点就是极强的表现欲。
心理学上描述人的秉性是这样描述的。首先,人格personality: A distinctive and relatively stable
pattern of behavior, thoughts, motives, and emotions that characterizes an
individual.秉性 Traits: A individual assumed to be stable across
situations and time.其中,翻译的汉文词是我顺手抓来的,未必合适。想翻译好,那是非常耗时的工作,俺没有那个耐性和时间。由此看来,人格是个内涵广泛的概念,而秉性是人格的子集合。
心理学家们把外在的秉性 surface traits划分为5个:
1,内向和外向Introversion versus extroversion describes the extent to which people
are outgoing or shy. It includes such traits as being talkative or silent,
sociable or reclusive, adventurous or cautious, eager to be in the limelight or
inclined to stay in the shadows. Extroversion is associated with positive
emotionality, the inclination to be enthusiastic, likely, and cheerful.
2,神经质Neuroticism or
emotional instability includes such traits as
anxiety and inability to control impulse, a tendency to have unrealistic ideas
and general emotional instability and negativity. Neurotic individuals are
worriers, complainers, and defeatists, even in the absence of any major
problems. They complain about different things at different ages, but they are
always ready to see the sour side of life and none of its sweetness. Neuroticism
is sometimes called negative emotionality because of the neurotic person’s
tendency to feel anger, scorn, revulsion, guilt, anxiety, and other negative
3,任性 agreeableness describes the extent to which people
are good-natured or irritable, gentle or headstrong, cooperative or abrasive,
secure or suspicious and jealous. It reflects the capacity for friendly
relationships or the tendency to have hostile ones.
4,严谨conscientiousness describes the degree to which people
are responsible or undependable, persevering or likely to quit easily,
steadfast or fickle, tidy or careless, scrupulous or unscrupulous
5,开放性openness to experience, which in some personality measures
is called imagination, describe the extent to which people are original,
imaginative, questioning, artistic, and capable of divergent(creative)thinking——or are conforming, unimaginative, and predictable.