在IT界工作,經常收到同事的辭職告別email,最近收到一個,讀了覺得蠻欣賞,文筆簡練優美,在這裡跟大家分享。 先分享英文原文: Hi All, It's hard to know where to start so I'll start here...simply thank you. Thank you for being colleagues and friends. For challenging me, encouraging me and supporting me. For laughing with and at me. The last few years have been a ride and I am a better executive and human being for having been here. Genuinely, it has been the best professional experience I could have asked for and more importantly I know I am walking away with incredible friendships. I'll miss whiskey close outs, ice-cream socials, pickles, pop tarts and cupcakes...mostly, I'll miss working with all of you. Contact information for those of you who will have a hard time weening off of my midnight emails... email: xxxxxxxxx LinkedIn: ?????? cell: ### ### #### Make the best of the journey. Be kind and live happy...life is an adventure that is too short to wait for. 中文譯文: 大家好, 真不知道應該從哪裡開始,那我就從最簡單的謝謝兩個字開始吧。 感謝你們,我的同事和朋友們。感謝你們挑戰我、激勵我、支持我,感謝你們跟我一起開懷大笑和反過來笑話我。過去幾年的歷練,讓我成為了更出色的高管、也成了更好的人。真心話,我在這裡得到了夢寐以求的職場經驗,也將帶走真摯難忘的友情。我會覺得失落,因為將會失去跟你們豪飲威士忌,吃冰激凌、酸黃瓜、甜餅乾、和小蛋糕的機會(哈,俺插一句,這裡除了威士忌,其它的都是公司常有的吃喝,機會太多,為了不發胖,要繞着走哈)……最最重要地是,我會失去跟你們一起工作的時光。 這裡是我的聯繫方式,給那些習慣和戒不掉我夜半三更emails的人: email: xxxxxxxxx LinkedIn: ?????? cell: ### ### #### 願大家有一個美好的人生,祝大家生活和美愉快……人生就是一個冒險的旅程,而這個旅程是那樣的短暫又不可停留。