His parents named him Viktor at birth, but at the insistence of his mother—a devout Orthodox Christian—he had a secret baptism, where his grandfather christened him Mikhail. His relationship with his father, Sergey Andreyevich Gorbachev, was close; his mother, Maria Panteleyevna Gorbacheva (née Gopkalo), was colder and punitive. Both of Gorbachev's grandfathers were arrested (his maternal in 1934 and his paternal in 1937) and spent time in Gulag labor camps before being released. After his December 1938 release, Gorbachev's maternal grandfather discussed having been tortured by the secret police, an account that influenced the young boy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail_Gorbachev 典型的黑五類,有沒有與其爺爺和外公劃清界限?有沒有正式反出東正教的教門?怎麼給他混進蘇共黨的內部和高層? 居然沒有株連三代?沒有徹底剷除麻醉勞動人民的宗教特別是東正教?蘇聯解體前這樣的教訓還少嗎?很多挖社會主義牆角的為英美賣命的間諜,都是來自出身不好的家庭。 這就說明我黨的高明:發揚光大秦制株連誅心的優良傳統,斬草除根,防微杜漸。 “蘇聯的今天就是我們的明天!”。毛主席的遺願由鄧主席以小康實現了。 而蘇聯的於1991年的昨天,會變成”我們“的今天或明天嗎? 有劉少奇同志的《共產黨員的修養》的理論和風細雨的潤物無聲,和有毛澤東同志的思想和實踐的暴風驟雨高強度鍛煉,以共產黨的初心,以黨中央的集體意志,我黨煉成了東方不敗的神功。