2010-02-22 12:05:27
< 叶芝诗 >
炉火旁打盹,请取下这部诗歌, 慢慢诵读,梦忆你从前眼神的柔和, 回想你眼波中倒影深深; 多少人爱你青春欢畅的时辰, 爱慕你的美丽,假意或真心, 但是唯有一个人爱你灵魂的至诚, 爱你衰老了的脸上痛苦的皱纹; 垂下头来,在红光闪耀的壁炉旁, 凄然地轻轻诉说那爱情的消逝, 在头顶的山上它缓缓踱着步子, 在一群星星中间隐藏着脸庞 。
原文: When you are old When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep; How many loved your moments of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love false or true, But one man loved the pilgrim Soul in you, And loved the sorrows of your changing face; And bending down beside the glowing bars, Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled And paced upon the mountains overhead And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.
留言时间:2010-02-22 18:23:13
beaubien: 怎么才星期一就郁闷开了,那就让舒伯特美妙的乐曲使你开心起来吧。 当你老了,携爱人的手,走遍万水千山,多么富有诗意啊! 昭君: 正是,很多人都喜欢这首诗。配上舒伯特的这支小夜曲更加美轮美奂了。谢谢赏评。
留言时间:2010-02-22 12:54:27
This poem by Yeats seems to be a favorite of so many peole - I have seen at least three or four other bloggers posting this on their blog:). But adding this Serenad to it is the best touch:). The images are so fitting. Thanks!
郁闷的星期一,怡然的情怀打开了我们记忆中的爱。 当我老了,我不会坐在壁炉旁,我会和爱人游尽千山万水,不去理会脸上的皱纹,更多的是琢磨如何剔除脚上的老茧。