还是逐句串读吧: The reeds and silver-grasses, dense and vast, made thy vision lost, --- 这句把蒹+葭分译,用vision lost来描述苍苍,别致。 The late Fall dew vapor hath with the season turned into white frost. --- 不从“露变霜”的物理瞬间下笔,而写较大的时间范围。好!这样理解的好处衬托了男主角思女之心切,有时间“过得真快呀”的含义在内。注意:has 用了古、雅、诗的形式hath,读来凭添古意。 The beloved one for whom I have always admired and longed, --- 这句铺开,使全篇每句的音步多少和谐,可见译者用心之处。 Might be somewhere in the depth of “morass” beyond. --- 是“沼泽”好,还是湖面好,这个纯属个人感觉。 To look for her if along that meandering water I go upstream, ---- 原诗这里也是叙述句,发挥余地本身较小 A journey lengthy and full of obstacles it would seem. --- it would seem 在下文重叠,有“凑韵之嫌”哪,呵呵 To look for her if along the babbling water I go downstream, --- babbling 用得好!有了声音,溪流也。可以想象远处有山丘 Right there in the center of water she is standing it would seem. --- it would seem 烘托“宛”字。 The reeds and water-grasses are so luxuriant and still stay, --- 以luxuriant之茂盛与still stay配伍,稍赘,因为通常既茂则立,若withering与still stay才有说道。 The white “frost” hath not vaporized even after it endured sun ray. --- 这里的“未晞”者非“霜”也,“露”也。译作“霜被融化蒸发”显得“绕”了。 The beloved one I always hide in the bosom of my heart, --- 原诗相同的句子,译文有合理变化,冲破单调,好! Might be at the water’s edge, she is virtuous and smart. --- 好! To look for her if along that meandering water I go upstream, A journey very lengthy and ascending it would seem. --- ascending 一字之变,可见译者心细! To look for her if along the babbling water I go downstream, Right there on the little mound she is standing it would seem. --- mound 形象。 The reeds and water-grasses are plentiful and profuse, --- 俺一直弄不清 plentiful 和 profuse 的细微区别,一个具体一个抽象? The white frost would not stop forming when it comes to its dues. --- 嗯,不管原诗了,这句读着清新,好! The beloved one whom I always miss, --- I always miss 这一笔补充得体。 Might be at the water-margin and she is listening to water’s fizz. --- 大赞译者的想象力! To look for her if along the meandering water I go upstream, A journey very winding and full of obstacles it would seem. To look for her if along the babbling water I go downstream, Right there on the islet she is standing it would seem. --- 最后也是在一个小岛上,跟俺期待的一致。盖古时人少地阔,多水,多洲中含岛者,无人至也。殆二人幽会之所乎?哈哈 译作全篇有这么几个特点: 1:全篇押韵,难得, 2:用些英文古字,如hath,thy之类,以顺应《诗经》原诗之古老韵味 3:在坚守“信达”的基础上,译作有“再创作”来追雅,俺反正读着丝毫不觉牵强,看来是成功的。 火风鼎兄好译再赞! |