诸诗友英译《垓下歌》集锦,排名不分前后: 原文:《垓下歌》项羽 力拔山兮气盖世, 時不利兮骓不逝, 骓不逝兮可奈何, 虞兮虞兮奈若何。  谢边砦兄分享美图!
英译史上最壮丽败寇诗歌《项羽 垓下歌》 豌博 English Translation of Historically Leading Loser's Magnificent Poetry by Xiang Yu "Melodies off the Battle Ground" Mighty me can erase mountains enforcing all to tame; It's just not my time and not a loyal horse to blame. My dear horse not parting but what difference it makes, Yu Yu my beloved beauty we just can't change the game. 也乱译项羽的《垓下歌》 贺兰山 I could pull out mountains by might, And I could bit all enemies in fight. My horse moves not as my days are gone, What can I do for you, my sweetheart, As my fame is falling down. 试译项羽《垓下歌》 边砦 By might and main I could pull the mountain out My steed won’t gallop because my time runs out. I don’t care if my steed still fights in a battle I do care what my lady will become in sabre rattle 二把刀乱译项羽的《垓下歌》 曹雪葵 "Farewell Song in the Battle Fields" Pulling out mountains wasted all my might, My horse escapes not from the lost fight. Let him die with me, as we both dare, It is you, my girl, that I forever care.