仰首看去,在茫茫的天际中有一片美丽的星云,名叫“华人时空网”。原来这片星云正是咱们诗坛里最才貌双全的琴总的别墅。情人节之际,琴总把曹雪豆学写的英文诗贴入“时空网”凑个趣,谁知竟然成俺了这篇翻译接龙故事的源头。先看一看下面琴总的妙贴就知道了: [按:曹老师先写了首英文诗《长相思》,绿岛阳光译成了中文,随老板又把绿岛的中文诗译成了英文,秦韵再把随老板的英文译成中文,随老板又把秦韵的译回英文,幽久桥又译回中文,依次类推,要不了几个回合,这首诗大概就被传得面目全非了.] 原玉:英文《长相思. Rose for thee》 英文原作:曹雪葵 Dream for me, rose from me, With this branch I dared woo thee, Sweet of a honeybee. Sincere plea,refused plea, There is gold under my knee, A ship has always sea.
绿岛阳光英译中: 梦也鲜,花也鲜, 勇递红玫呈爱签, 心如蜂蜜甜。 远也难,近也难, 情海随潮逐浪帆, 还寻我港湾。
随笔中译英: The dream is as fresh as the flower Tied to the bouquet is his vow I am mellowed as never before Love is such a sensation Like a sailing ship in the ocean, Where is the bay to harbor my emotion?
秦韵英译中: 梦里花芳菲, 宝石伴红玫, 陶...醉... 情似水, 船在大海搏击, 何处我心归?
随笔中译英: Night is cozy and dream is rosy, Off her neck is the shining jewelry, Cognac makes me tipsy. Love is like stormy water Sweeping over the leafy schooner Am I ever to find the safe harbor?
幽久桥英译中: 夜朦胧,玫瑰梦。。。 珠玉映芳容 白兰地送我上九重 任它情爱风吹浪打 一叶轻舟何从容? 避风港湾竟在回首中!
... ... ... 诸位看到了吧?一连串的中英对译,灰常精彩耐品!话说情人节那晚,俺一人对着壁炉喝酒好生无聊,就登陆到诗坛翻诗来读,读到随笔兄这首英文诗: Night is cozy and dream is rosy, Off her neck is the shining jewelry, Cognac makes me tipsy. Love is like stormy water Sweeping over the leafy schooner Am I ever to find the safe harbor? (接龙第一轮: by 随笔)
顿觉清新,居然兴起了翻译的念头。熟悉俺的人都知道,俺英文可是二把刀,技术虽不好,倒敢下手。猜咋样儿?俺给译成一首《浣溪沙.宝串连珠》: 宝串连珠压枕头,紫虹偏向梦中柔,沾胭香颈略含羞。 情挚任由风雨暴,杯馨不舍玉兰稠,桃花坞暖卧眠舟。 (接龙第二轮: by 曹雪葵)
自己“赏玩”一下也就算了,多好?谁知俺借酒劲竟贴入诗坛。这下可“闯祸”料:诗坛啥地方啊,能中英文左右开弓的高手快手极多,小鹰帝国的绿岛兄便是其中一位。 一见俺这首英译中,顺手又译回了英文: The jewelry is still under the pillow while sleeping I wonder that was only my dreaming? It was so sweet that my heart is still melting: As beautiful as the rear orchid blooming Love was like the storm coming so sudden but like the peach flower rain in a fairy garden (接龙第三轮A组: by 绿岛阳光)
真是想不到啊,绿岛兄刚刚驻笔,美利坚国的雨飘柔兄,乃诗坛凌风闪电手也,见到《浣溪沙》事件,岂能轻易放过?立马跟译: The sleeping beauty lying on the pillow, A string of gemstones glaring on the window In her sweet dream hanging a soft purple rainbow Her bashful expressions seem like the sweeping willow. Torrential storms never crush her perseverance for love, Just like the wine is the only thing that a drinker think of. There is a secluded pier where peach blossoms are in full bloom. The lukewarm water swings the boat carrying the lady inside the room. (接龙第三轮B组: by 雨飘柔)
俺心说,英美大国奏是厉害啊,介不素砸俺们荷兰低地的场子吗?木有别的办法,只好花开两朵,各表一枝,得先把飘柔兄的大作译回中文: 玉枕春寒睡美人,宝珠缀软照窗新。 梦依恋影游虹涧,雾隐羞条拂杏裙。 情可死生谁会意?酒无醉醒自销魂。 接天雨暴帆犹向,不舍桃花坞月温。 (接龙第四轮B组: by 曹雪葵)
接下来再表另一枝,就是把绿岛兄的大作再次译回中文成《天净沙.相思桃露》: 谁赠藏枕宝珠? 梦中帆影姑苏, 思到深时莫苦, 融成桃露, 春风人在归途。 (接龙第四轮A组: by 曹雪葵)
谁知这下“出大事”了,俺们这剑桥跟海牙争夺诗坛版面的迹象居然被美利坚国豌博给觉察了。豌博何人哪?万维网中文古诗词英译第一高手。只见他立马出手干预,以加强在大西洋的军事存在。当然,又立马把俺的《天净沙》译回了美国英文!: Who bestowed this pillow-hidden precious jewelry? A reminder of the Gusu dreams and sailboat story, longing so profound that pain evaporates away, condensing to a mellow peach smoothie, the spring wind is prompting him back from his journey. (接龙第五轮C组: by 豌博)
介一下战场可乱套了,小鹰帝国的绿岛兄同步急追,也把俺这《天净沙》译回了英国英文!: It is your gift the jewelry under my pillow which keeps shining I have been dreaming to be with you on Suzhou river boating Miss you so much that makes my heart aching But with sweet feeling like peach-dew as I am thinking: You will come to me with the wind in spring gently blowing (接龙第五轮A组: by 绿岛阳光)
攻防形势顿时大乱,还得说美利坚国人多势众,接下来参战的是点苍派高手贺兰山兄,也是英译拙作之《天净沙》: I cherished the gift jewelry under my pillow, Retrospecting the time on a river in Suzhou. Missing is bittering, though, Trying to brew it into peaches dew, In the thought of the offerer who would come With the spring winds that blew. (接龙第五轮D组: by 贺兰山)
飘柔兄观势亦重返战地,于是这《天净沙》被第四次译回英文: Who gave this precious jewelry to her? She treasured it deeply and put it under the pillow, Every night in her dreams, The silhouettes of a boat and Gusu village would appear. The yearning for his return was so strong That even the pain would disappear. The desire for him had become the morning dew on the peach blossoms. In a beautiful spring day, her love was on his way home. (接龙第五轮B组: by 雨飘柔)
俺哪里见过这般枪林弹雨?于是俯战壕中不敢则声。久之,战场已静,俺探出头望着烧焦的树木和深浅不一的弹坑,长出了一口气。起身却待离去,突然高兴起来,何不趁着没人自己骑一首小毛驴?: 明珰君所赠,伴枕欺月光。 照我姑苏梦,夜夜瞰帆扬。 思君不觉苦,唯盼早还乡。 凝作春桃露,归来润寒香。 (接龙第六轮B组: by曹雪葵)
还是小毛驴好啊,省力。正当俺慢悠悠要走,突听有人喊道: “这首故事情节有变哪!还可以往下接!”