跑偏英译:郑板桥题画诗《清淡》 (啥叫“跑偏”?就是火车出轨,哈哈。啥叫“跑偏英译”?就是脱开字面意思,直接翻译其内涵。)

郑板桥题诗:《清淡》 一两三枝竹竿,四五六片竹叶。自然淡淡疏疏,何必重重叠叠。 跑偏英译:《清淡》"Pure Simplicity"(曹雪葵)
One stem here,two branches there, Into the cracks of rocks, The root bites where? Here is a slash, there is a thrash, A few leaves against the moon, In the wind smash. Myself, and a piece of cloud, And a glass of wine perhaps, Far from the crowd.