1:【七绝 心有千千结的丁香仙子】 原作:曹雪葵 含香共守志丁丁,白玉雕成侯乙钟。 人世枉编千万调,奏出风雨始关情。
2:英译:绿岛阳光 Embracing the elegant scent they are patiently waiting, the snow-white buds look like pure jade chimes hanging. Although countless music has been written down for everything, Only with the accompanying of wind and rain chord they could pop love everlasting.
3:再中译自己的英译: 绿岛阳光 怀揣着香味静静期待着被欣赏, 洁白无瑕的花蕾犹如纯玉编钟。 虽然世间人们编奏有千曲百乐, 唯伴风雨和弦方可奏出情爱浓。
4:继续接力:玩译《七绝 咏白色丁香花》 送交者: 叉鱼哥 再英译: 叉鱼哥 Its fragrance silently permeates, Looking for the appreciation reciprocal; Its flowers blossom into chains of jade bells, With a much whiter shade of crystal; Men and women've woven their worldly feelings, Into millions of inter-knotted heart-warming songs; Only the true love, as seasoned in the rains and winds as the lilac's, Will in the end resonate in the sunny symphonic dongs.
此轮接力玩译以叉鱼兄精彩英译拔高获胜! 又有新情况啦! 5:英译 第1 曹雪葵之原作: (by 聊斋常客) Sticking in one string the bouquet fragrannce is holding, Lilacs are blooming like snow-white jade bells hanging. Thousands of tunes were written for them to ring, Only the wind's and rain's shaking then they can sing.
6:接力 转译 第4 叉鱼哥的英文 为中文五言《丁香仙子》 (by 聊斋常客) 芳香俏然沁,静待寻芳人。 花开如玉钟,蕊白绝凡尘。 牛郎踏歌来,织女回锦文。 真爱风雨中,雷闪不变心。
7:跟译 第5 聊斋兄《丁香仙子》英文译作(by 曹雪葵) 为了后面接力的诗友出新,俺在内容上故意跑了点儿偏。 同味相投结弟兄,前途呼唤响银铃。 思乡敲碎万千曲,风雨飘摇更有声。
8:继续逗趣接龙:《丁香仙子》,接 第7 曹雪葵的跑偏篇。送交者: 叉鱼哥 It takes two like-minded to dance a merry tango, Way is shown as the angel's bugle has been blown; Songs of homesickness make their hearts tangle, But, they have for long learnt how to handle.
9:中译: 《探戈的丁香》,继续跟译 第8 叉鱼兄跑偏篇(by 绿岛阳光) 心意相通让我们跳一曲探戈, 舞姿优美得益于天使的伴奏。 远离故土心中飘过缕缕乡愁, 你我牵手相依悠悠他园有乐。
10:干脆也打趣一把。来点纠偏。接 第9 绿岛兄中译文 (by 聊斋常客) 咱起码也得把Drifting Direction (漂流航向)纠正回来一点,是吧。 Veiled as a ‘Queen’ dancing with a ‘Demon’ She was in a fancy-dressing masquerade, Tipped toward a ‘Knight’ the White Snow spared one arm handling a spectacle. Sat at a door the home-sicking Mermaid crying at the sands in one island, A key handed to her by a hippo swimming across the Channel from the Thames River.
10.1:兵来将挡哈哈,跟译 第10 客兄的蒙太奇《白色丁香仙子》 送交者: 绿岛阳光 在一个熙熙攘攘的蒙面舞会上 高贵的女王亲密地挽着牛魔王 轻盈旋转即将撞到骑士的大氅! 白雪公主只手轻拦她优雅救场。 斜靠在岛屿上沙滩边豪宅门框 泪如珍珠悬挂在美人鱼的颊旁 心中挂念仙境般故乡遥遥守望 笑成河马的他递上钥匙和钱箱! “他”是谁?哈哈哈
11:跟译第6聊斋兄之《丁香仙子》五言中文版,俺翻译内容跑了点儿偏哪!(by 曹雪葵) Permeate with fragrance for his lust, Bells are the lips to chew the flesh. Snow white and soft, so he would trust. The cowboy's song, and the knitting girl's mesh, All are ready in wind and rain to wrap, For love, is a better veil, to cover a trap.
12:继续接龙“跑译” 第11 曹雪葵之《丁香仙子》 (by 绿岛阳光) 芳香弥漫令人神迷意乱慌张, 响铃共振在寂寞已久的心房。 白雪公主美丽单纯柔情善良, 王子用歌声传递钦慕思念长。 风雨和弦紧奏生命之曲激昂, 朦胧爱雾里是陷阱还是天堂?
13:继续逗趣接龙:跟译 第12 绿岛兄之《丁香仙子》(by 曹雪葵) 这次一个不小心着实跑了偏哪!哈哈 Dread fragrance suffuses the ancient forest, His heart trembles in the rhyme of the bells. Snow white is a girl facing, foxy and in zest, “Follow me...” in a dreaming softness, she tells. Windy and rainy, he staggers like a slave, Hand in hand, she showed him into the grave.
14:继续接龙英译 第12 绿岛兄之《丁香仙子》嵌mermaid版:叉鱼哥 Your scent is tantalizingly treacherous, Your glances are invitingly audacious. They haunt my heart and hold the whole of me, I know your beauty is uniquely tailor-made for me. To the habour I will sail through the wave and storm, Would you be my pious mermaid waiting there in shape and form?
15:接力中译 第14 叉鱼兄之英译《丁香仙子》嵌mermaid版 送交者: 曹雪葵 此译之结尾着实跑偏料。哈哈 其香弥兮狎且如真, 秋波无畏兮瞥似摄魂。 美艳天馈兮舍我其谁? 羁吾身兮萦吾魂。 指桃坞而任其遥, 帆有望兮掩风涛。 蛮腰立水,双舒玉臂, 高鬟频瞻,果待吾来, 亸肩皙而靥涡潦, 香衫落兮魅瞳招。 美人如鱼兮吾何惧浪? 踊入温柔兮忘脱袍。 乱曰: 揽鳞尾兮徒生悔, 吻利牙兮再难逃。
16:跟译 第14 叉鱼兄的mermaid版《丁香仙子》(by 绿岛阳光) 凑趣再来一首大白话的翻译。哈哈 王子和美人鱼 沁人的香味总令人意乱情迷 诱人的眼神占据着全部记忆 如痴如梦心身合一感受神奇 绵绵相思只为完美无缺的你 乘风驾雨驶向港湾你的怀里 爱的密码定能破解古老咒语 虔心的你定能安然美腿在地!