啥叫“中英翻译接力”?这是咱们诗坛里经常玩儿的一种中英文诗歌翻译的游戏,非常逗趣。其实程序很简单,就是某诗友先写第一首诗,比如写的是一首英文诗,接力的诗友就得译成中文,再接力的诗友则回译成英文,如此反复不已。啥叫“跑偏”?其实就是故意在译文与原文之间制造生偏差,这样就越译越逗趣,最后达到“丁氏穿井得一人”的谐趣。接着往下看实录即知: 跑偏中英翻译接力之一 E文诗《捕蝇草》 附汉语回译(by 曹雪葵) 本来只贴了英文的,后来一想52的“老腐朽”们英文都很凄惨的,不如顺便留个译文,谁知一下子跑偏到二梁上去了。哈哈 E文原作:Trap of Venus(捕蝇草) Is it the Venus' lip? Why looks like a trap? So wide for the grip, And sharp for the snap. Gives a tongueful sweet, Takes a mouthful meet. Oh, who by love spoils, Him in her tummy boils. 再译成汉语,相当跑偏,哈哈。 不信花狰维纳斯,草妖贪肉妆成阱。 网疏五面色偷贪,牙锐十围财侥幸。 未犯东窗蜜最甜,才遭铁索脖不硬。 休夸曾炼老君炉,民灶积薪燃最永。 跑偏中英翻译接龙之二
中文(by 爪帮主) 肉香弥漫令人神迷意馋嘴张, 鸡鸭共炖在积尘已久的厨房。 爪四帮主美丽单纯柔情善良,(千真万确,雪草与阿立可以做证) 阿立用哈喇子传递想吃拉面长。 雪草紧护八百包子神气又激昂, 绿岛小厨房里是陷阱还是天堂? 英译(by 曹雪葵) Flavour from the pot drags me go near, Lifting the deckel I saw one is a ear. Never remember a sheep has five fingers, With a tight mouth, my hand lingers. To the Green Island Kitchen is my hope, Ah, the sign is written as Cross Slope. How stupid I'm again to have gone astray, In horror I decided to be quickly away. Baffled by the landlady I know its late, Nothing possible than to face the fate. She darted the poison with a tempted kiss, The last I can hear is a snake's hiss. Be careful of what you in here eat, The pie so tasteful could be my meat. 雪葵小注: Green Island Kitchen:绿岛食堂,万维龙乡超高档次之六星餐厅 Cross Slope:十字坡,《水浒传》中孙二娘开的人肉包子铺 这篇搞笑英译描述了作者迷路错入十字坡的凄惨结局。哈哈 跑偏中英翻译接力之三
中文(by 绿岛阳光) 芳香弥漫令人神迷意乱慌张, 响铃共振在寂寞已久的心房。 白雪公主美丽单纯柔情善良, 王子用歌声传递钦慕思念长。 风雨和弦紧奏生命之曲激昂, 朦胧爱雾里是陷阱还是天堂? 英译(by 叉鱼哥) Your scent is tantalizingly treacherous, Your glances are invitingly audacious. They haunt my heart and hold the whole of me, I know your beauty is uniquely tailor-made for me. To the habour I will sail through the wave and storm, Would you be my pious mermaid waiting there in shape and form? 再中译(by 曹雪葵) 其香弥兮狎且如真, 秋波无畏兮瞥似摄魂。 美艳天馈兮舍我其谁? 羁吾身兮萦吾魂。 指桃坞而任其遥, 帆有望兮掩风涛。 蛮腰立水,双舒玉臂, 高鬟频瞻,果待吾来, 亸肩皙而靥涡潦, 香衫落兮魅瞳招。 美人如鱼兮吾何惧浪? 踊入温柔兮忘脱袍。 乱曰: 揽鳞尾兮徒生悔, 吻利牙兮再难逃。 跑偏中英翻译接力之四
中文(by 绿岛阳光) 芳香弥漫令人神迷意乱慌张, 响铃共振在寂寞已久的心房。 白雪公主美丽单纯柔情善良, 王子用歌声传递钦慕思念长。 风雨和弦紧奏生命之曲激昂, 朦胧爱雾里是陷阱还是天堂? 英译(by 曹雪葵) Dread fragrance suffuses the ancient forest, His heart trembles in the rhyme of the bells. Snow white is a girl facing, foxy and in zest, “Follow me...” in a dreaming softness, she tells. Windy and rainy, he staggers like a slave, Hand in hand, she showed him into the grave. 跑偏中英翻译接力之五
英文(by 叉鱼哥) It takes two like-minded to dance a merry tango, Way is shown as the angel's bugle has been blown; Songs of homesickness make their hearts tangle, But, they have for long learnt how to handle. 中译(by 曹雪葵) 知心所见同,携手探戈轻。 天使吹银角,乐阵布云形。 心动故乡远,泪奔晨雨零。 十年听雁老,已惯梦中行。 跑偏中英翻译接力之六
中文(by 聊斋兄) 芳香俏然沁,静待寻芳人。 花开如玉钟,蕊白绝凡尘。 牛郎踏歌来,织女回锦文。 真爱风雨中,雷闪不变心。 英译(by 曹雪葵) Permeate with fragrance for his lust, Bells are the lips to chew the flesh. Snow white and soft, so he would trust. The cowboy's song, and the knitting girl's mesh, All are ready in wind and rain to wrap, For love, is a better veil,to cover a trap. 跑偏中英翻译接力之七
英文:Forget Me Not!(by 绿岛阳光) Love, can anyone in the world explain? Butterfly dance can not add joy in the lonely heart plain. “Forget me not!” those words tied up the memory of mine Waiting for you is being my wish hanging upon the blue sky 中文:试译绿岛兄E诗大作《Forget Me Not》(by 曹雪葵) 情字原无解,由来困世人。 徒怜春蝶舞,难救寂寥心。 君誓不吾忘,妾犹牵梦深。 年年盼归雁,含泪数飘云。 再译成英文: 翻译接力:《Forget Me Not》(by 叉鱼哥)
It baffles: Love or Amour? Answers are zero. Butterfly dances in detour, But my heart flies solo. Forget Thee Not was the promise of Thy, These words repeat in my dreams, pretty much dire, Year by year I wait for the second coming of Thy With the flight of clouds my tearful hopes are blown dry. 再译成中文:继续跟译叉鱼兄《Forget Me Not》 (by 曹雪葵) 难分沧海或巫山,问尽人神皆昧然。 蝶舞乱香飞换侣,心托静井止无澜。 相知有誓何绝望,入梦无端偏更寒。 不信天涯少归路,泪飞不至碧城边。