中文原文:《 滁州西涧》唐 韦应物 独怜幽草涧边生,上有黄鹂深树鸣。 春潮带雨晚来急,野渡无人舟自横。 E文翻译: Chuzhou West Gully by 曹雪葵 Oh, how I admired the hanging grasses on the cliff. Deep from trees above, sent the orioles' tiff. Spring torrent in the gully overflows in a dusk rain, Who remembers a lonely boat tied with a chain. 诸诗友精彩译作附如下(排名不分先后): 中译英:滁州西涧 (也向豌博学习) 送交者: 绿岛阳光 【Chuzhou West Creek】 I like the lush growth of grasses by the quiet river, Next to that orioles are singing in the deep thicket。 Spring rain makes the evening tide higher, Only one unmanned boat is cross parked at the mooring pocket 中译英:滁州西涧 (向豌博学习) 送交者: 琴韵 Dark grass on the gully-side is enjoyable, Golden orioles are singing amid the leafy trees. After the heavy shower overnight in the Spring, Nobody at the ferry-place but the boat floats alone. 韋應物唐诗《滁州西澗》敬译 送交者: 豌博 早年求学时期,偶尔看到提及韦应物的文章,当时也无心细究,凭字面之意的直觉效应还以为韦应物是古代的某种怪兽,现在古诗通读的多了,知晓韦应物是个了不起
景交融,百感交集,也早应整出他的这首代表诗作。 Masterpiece Poetry by Tang Poet Wei Yingwu "West Brook in Chuzhou" Unperturbed grasses on the brookside admirably dense, above were the orioles busy singing deep in the woods. Heavy rain and spring abruptly hit overnight, in a deserted ferry place lone boat got stuck to its side.