虞美人 抑郁
春花秋月何时了, 往事知多少。 小楼昨夜又东风, 故国不堪回首月明中。 雕栏玉砌应犹在,
只是朱颜改。 问君能有几多愁, 恰似一江春水向东流。 有人统计过,中国历史上总共有422位君主皇帝。真正称职的皇帝,大概一半都不到。 其中有两个人,虽然不是称职的皇帝,却是超级大文豪。一个是宋徽宗赵佶,另一个就是上面这位抑郁(李煜)。这也怨不得他。搁谁,谁抑郁。 Lady beauty Yu by Suffering depression
Very few reflections left in my mind when Spring flowers withered in the Fall How can I even bear the image
of my lost kingdom under the glaring moonlight
not to mention that eastward wind blowing all night again
For sure those palace walls should still stand with their original decorations only under someone else's control of course So what are your concerns and worries you ask well plenty still I would say just like the Yangtze river's continuously flowing water pouring into the sea 严复说要信达雅。洒家这既不达,也不雅。至于信不信,萍你看呢? 171-1-5