Quack quack the cormorant Joyful sound from the islet Attractive lady young and charming She is the one that I like
Philodendrons short and long Floating in water combed and in run Attractive lady young and charming She is the one in my dreams
Turning left turning right I cannot fall asleep with her in mind Attractive lady young and charming She is the one kept me awake
Philodendrons short and long Floating in water awaiting to be picked Attractive lady young and charming I want to please her with instruments
Philodendrons short and long Picking 'em up 'n down the stream Attractive lady young and charming I want to entertain her with drums and horn (雨斤 译) ·关雎里一个字的读音 版权所有。未经作者允许,请勿转载。