Requiem Day By M. Du 
Oftentimes Requiem Day falls on a cold rainy day each year which adds onto the miseries of those gloomy-looking passersby on the road who just visited their ancestors' graveyard Watching all these sad faces makes me wanted to have a drink to relieve myself But only was pointed toward a remote village under the apricot trees in bloomsom by a shepherd boy when I asked for directions (雨斤 译) 版权所有。未经作者允许,请勿转载。 译后记 意境,意境。 意境是诗之魂。 写诗要的是意境,译诗要的也是意境。 不管你直译也好,意译也罢,糟蹋了原诗的意境,一切都白搭! 啊,哈、哈、哈、哈。 译后记的后记
那么,到底什么是意境? 这个么,说起来容易,做起来难。吹起来容易,解释起来难! 这么给您说吧:洒家我琢磨了半晌,只得到两个字。 意境,就是“氛围”!或者说,气氛的渲染。 你的,明白? |