第三条好汉,名叫爱丽丝(Janna Ellis)。据说建国还欠她律师费呢。
跟着懂王闹革命,白干活,不落好,搭上青春与前程,还可能吃牢饭。 大哥不照着小弟部下追随者,遇事自己先溜,撇清关系,算是大哥吗? 在此情况下,权衡利弊,反水实乃明智之举,至少可以得到宽大处理。
建国同志的团队中有18条好汉。Three down, 15 to go.
ATLANTA (AP) — Sidney Powell was present for a now-infamous December 2020 meeting at the White House where participants hatched far-fetched schemes to keep Donald Trump in power and was so tied to the then-president that he once considered naming her a special counsel to probe claims of election fraud. Kenneth Chesebro was part of a small coterie of advisers who prosecutors say prodded Republicans in battleground states to submit slates of fake electors who would falsely assert that Trump, not Democrat Joe Biden, was victorious. Jenna Ellis authored legal memos that prosecutors say laid out strategies for disrupting the counting of electoral votes and advanced baseless voting fraud statements before state legislatures.