-'The West' for the past 50 yrs only afforded HER PEOPLE to have progressive 'democracy' while not to the rest of 'the world citizens' -THREATS - How do ruling governments with MILITARY MIGHT deal with them to ensure the stability of their rule? -Chinese regime brutally cracked down on the protesters -Now the Iranian Islamic regime is doing the same -But what happens when the Western ruling powers feel threatened? -Chinese killed tens of thousands of her OWN people -Iranian dictator might kill similar number of her OWN people eventually -And US & her Allies? They killed hundreds of thousands of OTHER people - namely, innocent Koreans, Vietnamese, Iraqis citizens, etc... -They propped up dictatorial regimes (such as Pinochet in Chile & the Saudi Arabia King Abdullah...), outside USA they wage WARS AGAINST DEMOCRACY (remember Hamas's win in Gaza?) -That's the universal tactic to deal with THREATS, perceived or real -I don't like autocarcy. But we live in the real world. -There is no eternal friend, nor foe, but ONLY eternal INTEREST!
正如你所说,进步只能一步一步来。你提到的马丁路德金,还有Rose Parks 是我真正敬佩的人。他们为争取权益,有理有节地进行运动,没有以个人私心(例如要当总统)绑架民众,才有四十多年后的成就(奥巴马当选总统)。如果他们也像学运领袖般以一己私利为目的,搞流血(别的学生的血)对抗,可能的结果就是事与愿违。假如六四的领导能像马丁路德金那样处理,那是中国的民主发展之福,民众之福。
64的失败,不仅损失了一些年轻人,更使中国言论出版自由受到更严厉的限制。美国民权运动中广泛报道的多起案件,The murder of Emmett till,Bombing of Birmingham church, Rosa Park jailed for refusing to give up her seat,MLKJr 领导的多次游行与抵制运动, 使主流社会意识到社会的不公。实际上,民权运动使美国的民主自由大步前进。
前苏联的解体, like that of 大英帝国殖民统治的解体, is because the rulers in Kremlin and London did not treat other colonies or republican as their equal but their subordinates.
The United States, on the contrary, grant all the states joined later the same status as the original 13 states.
The fall-apart of 前苏联and 大英帝国 is not a matter of "if" but "When".
Crackingdown won't save either of these empires, just only makes situation nastier.
\"每一次给学生放Who killed Vincent Chin?,我都会在班上强忍眼泪,心里的火总被烧起来\" I applaud your effort for the right of Asian American, which should not be shortchanged because you are one of them.
\"我在这里几乎每天浏览网上明报的主要消息,知道香港的情况。我看香港人不是不知道当时的实情,而是一种不愿回归的情结。那些所谓的学生领袖和智囊们也只有和香港有些人是一个愿打一个愿挨。\" ----------------------------- I just don\'t understand why you dismiss the stance of most 香港人, their 良知丶尊严和是非黑白之心 because 香港人 have a interest in a democratic China?!
I respectively disagree the idea that cracking down 6.4 help China 存在和稳定. On the contrary, the reason for 前苏联解体 is that many many crack downs in the era of 前苏联 built up the discontent and hatred of other oppressed ethnic groups. It is a vocalnic erruption waiting to happen. Cracking down on Tibetian, in my view, will not provide 稳定, but just grow the problem and brew the discontent.
For example, if US cracks down on the Civil Movement, it may transiently silence people but will aggravate racial tension in the long run.