老师们,不,好老师们都是这么贱骨头。自己找事儿,永远的没完没了。羡慕那些下班走人的老师,可我和你一样,做不到。读到过一句话:“The teaching that I call education is not a technique or a curriculum or a job or a career---it is an act of love." 也许正是这个love在折腾我们吧.
椰子,看到你这一篇的时候,俺正在看电视“Once upon a time in Mexico ”,发生在dead Day 的故事,血淋淋的,和你的心情差别不小,呵呵。查了一下 “Dead Day is a Mexican holiday celebrated throughout Mexico and around the world in many cultures. The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died.