不图名利是种浪漫. 不过反而显得古怪,虚伪, 是故有怪怪的孤独感. 只是先列这么个题目. 以后有机会再写正文. 底下先把以前好友 G 的评论文章再转贴一次:
****** God is merciful. Men are not, unfortunately.
利 23:22 在 你 们 的 地 收 割 庄 稼 , 不 可 割 尽 田 角 , 也 不 可 拾 取 所 遗 落 的 , 要 留 给 穷 人 和 寄 居 的 。 我 是 耶 和 华 你 们 的 神 。
I remember Dennis Prager once talks about the romantic side of God, don remember his examples though. Some Jesws consider Psalms the holiest book of the entire holy Bible, yet Psalms is quite emotional. I always wonder why God has Song of Songs in the Bible. What for?
Faith is like love, you have to be romantic in order to enjoy love, by the same token, you have to be romantic in order to enjoy faith. I think that is exactly why God plants the seeds of love in our hearts. Thats awesome.
My definition: if something is unworldly, it is probably romantic. Therefore, romance is the opposite of the world. But they don fight against each other, rather they live in harmony. Being romantic helps you to walk your life in this world, walking your life in this world helps you to long for romance.
G 的这段评论是我见过他所有跟贴中的极品.
写在 <<不能讲的故事>> 上架之际
不能讲的故事 (小说二部) 57-58
...不要在二十九岁以前结婚 (10)