| 昨晚回家, 一眼看见桌上放着一个邮包, 我知道, 是一位网友兼读者寄来的礼物.
迫不及待打开一看, 是一套经典歌乐曲集!
几天来公司搬家加上长假前老板总让我完成一个工程, 昨晚回到家里, 累得连网上定个旅馆的精力都没有. 可听着那歌, 熟悉的旋律, 轻柔的乐声, 优美恬静的意境, 朋友的一颗心.... 我的心得到了满足和休息.
在海外博客里我听过胡杨的歌, 霞的歌, 小小艾的歌, 还有许多...专业之外, 美不胜言, 身心皆感; 以前网友 jgmm, clear .... 则是通过悄悄话送来过温馨的乐章和画面...
难忘今宵, 难忘友情. 难忘这一个个温暖的惊喜.
Dear QQ,
Thank you so much for your marvelous book. I don’t read many novels these days, but I have been attracted by your writings. The story is really touching my heart.
Lu Hua is an ordinary woman with an extremely unordinary beautiful heart. I am so glad I read the story that can not be told. From this legendary story, I find a beautiful mind in everything, and I believe some beautiful things only beautiful eyes can see.
QQ, I am saying “Jia You” for your new writing, and I am looking forward to reading you more.
This beautiful set of music is my “thank you” gift to you. It contains all my beloved music. I think you will enjoy too. A time for us, for your friendship and all, indeed.
谢谢你朋友, 谢谢你读者. 是的, 我很喜欢, 很享受. 这一份情谊和鼓舞, 我会时刻携带着, 继续我的人生和创作路. 我将尽我所能把芦花传奇广传给中国人民和美国人民, 因为我深爱这两个国度.....
谢谢你带给我的一切, 永远祝福你!
万维的朋友, 我也寻求继续在这里上传这部博得了无数悲喜的作品.
附: 长篇小说 <<不能讲的故事>> 可在底下网站查询购买: