三皇五帝到如今,中国人民死相拼。 ****************************** 《满江红》十四亿苍蝇碰壁 小小寰球,十四亿苍蝇碰壁。嗡嗡叫,壁内凄厉,壁外抽泣。蚂蚁缘槐夸大国,蚍蜉撼树谈何易。正川风落叶扫中国,飞鸣鸡。 多少事,从来急;天地转,光阴迫。一万年太久,只争朝夕。美国翻腾红州怒,世界震荡川风疾。要消灭所有共产党,全无敌。 **********************************
“中国”从土匪、流氓到破鞋,很大程度或者主要原因在美国,在美国几十年来的“对华接触”的错误政策。 美国正在以摧枯拉朽、迅雷不及掩耳之势,“纠正”这一错误。人类前途光明。 左右世界局势、人类命运的永远是美利坚合众国。 中国一直、还会、始终是“聋子的耳朵”—配搭儿。 ………………………………………………………… 7月26日,伟大领袖伟大统帅川普总统最新声明:
夺回美国、拯救美国、重建美国、三箭齐发。 2020窃选,偷走的钻石必须归还!
川普总统正式宣布: 1、拜登政府是“窃选政变”伪政府。 2、2020大选舞弊是世纪之罪、美国之耻。 3、拜登伪政府正在摧毁美国,把美国引向共产主义。 4、夺回美国、拯救美国、重建美国三箭齐发,势不可挡。


有大量无条件的证据表明,选举被欺诈和违规行为破坏,其程度是我们国家以前从未见过的。其中大部分证据已经公开,而且在不久的将来会有更多的证据出现。每当你读到关于2020年选举骗局的 "没有选举舞弊的证据 "的声明时,请将这一声明归结为歪曲和勾结的媒体(他们与激进的左派民主党人密切合作),他们将不惜一切代价来掩盖这场选举惨败的真实情况。
在看到来自众多州的无可辩驳的证据后,其他人正在谈论进行深入的法证审计。这次选举是一场骗局,而"跛脚流 "媒体正竭尽全力不让人们看到或读到真正发生的事情。我们不再有自由和开放的媒体(他们不报道真相),但这个消息比以往任何时候都要强烈。
Donald J. Trump The New York Times, and others, always insert a clause into their stories, “WITHOUT EVIDENCE, that the election was decided fraudulently.” As usual, this is FAKE NEWS. There is massive and unconditional evidence that the election was shattered with fraud and irregularities at a level that our Country has never seen before. Much of it is already public, and a great deal more is coming out in the very near future. Every time you read a statement that there is “no evidence of election fraud,” about the 2020 election scam, just attribute that statement to a crooked and collusive media (they work closely together with the Radical Left Democrats) that will do anything to hide the real facts of this election fiasco. After seeing the irrefutable evidence from numerous states, others are talking about doing deep forensic audits. This election was a scam, and the Lamestream Media is doing everything in their power not to allow the people to see or read about what really took place. We no longer have a free and open media (they don’t cover the truth), but the word is getting out stronger than ever before. Even the Justice Department has no interest in the crooked and corrupt 2020 Presidential Election. They are only interested in hurting those who want to reveal how totally dishonest it was. The Justice Department should be looking at the people who rigged the election, not the Patriots of our Country who are seeking to find how our Nation was defrauded. We must also look to the future and fight for State Legislatures to reform their elections so that this will NEVER happen again. In the end, truth will WIN! Contribute to Save America and DonaldJTrump.com in order to keep continuing this fight.