那位说,中国怎么会是耗子呢?不是中国驴吗?靠,这个问题难到我了,在下没学过逻辑。不过您要说“川普举着关税冲,中国母鸡见了鹰”也行。总之川普自称“关税人”不会变滴。 再者说,商场如战场,国家之间的经济贸易永远离不开“关税”,那是维护国家利益的充分和必要的工具。中国痴心妄想取消关税,恐怕连老鼠、驴、母鸡都不如。 普时代美国回归,强硬与灵活是主旋律。中国新时期党国返祖,装好人、装孙子。 独裁专制国家中,中国是美国头号对抗对手,美国把战略中心转为全力对抗中国。 意识形态:美中之间是自由和社会主义的斗争;国家体制:美国《联邦宪法》对中国“无法无天”的斗争;文化层面,西方和中国“异我文明”的不可弥合的冲突。 美国正在迅速与中国“剥离”:美国打交道,必须遵循、遵守美国的法律。同时,向世界表明了 【美国对中政策三原则】 1、“意识形态”与中国划清界线,在各种场合向全世界宣示,拒绝曲解、防止误解。 2、美国《联邦宪法》与中国无法无天,背道而驰,相向而行,殊途不能同归。 3、经济往来:强调与中国公正、公平、对等。 美中贸易战不仅仅是经济贸易,经济贸易不再是美中关系的压舱石。而是美中关系重塑的晴雨表,关乎到美国国家安全、世界自由民主秩序。 在美中两国关系重塑的21世纪历史潮流中,川普正在强有力的调整、重建“美中经贸关系”,未来的“美中经贸关系”不会与任何民主国家之间的经贸关系相同,因为,中国共产党流氓政府绑架半个中国,威胁、要挟西方世界秩序和世界人民。 川普总统已经清楚地看到了中国人的举止,本届政府已经纠正了先前政府所忽略的问题。过去的共识是,中国经济现代化会自动将我们的自由和人的尊严价值观引入其社会。 现在,每天都在提醒我们这没有发生。取而代之的是北京正在使用通过与西方融合而获得的现代技术,以进一步对其国民进行政治和社会控制,并将中国的影响范围扩展到海外。 美国政府不会只专注于贸易,已经将香港的自治作为我们双边外交中的一个关键主题。政府还会利用国会在《全球马格尼茨基人权问责法》中已经提供的工具,来针对那些严重侵犯人权行为的个人。 在新疆和香港,全世界都看到了中国共产党的真实面目。美国在维护普遍人权原则方面可以发挥作用,美国必将实现这一目标。 美国的盟友和伙伴也必须问自己,他们是否希望生活在这样一个世界中,这个世界被那些对宗教和少数民族绝不手软,并对和平抗议人士实施暴力的人主宰。 
Trump threatens higher tariffs if China doesn’t make a trade deal KEY POINTS 1、President Donald Trump threatens higher tariffs on Chinese goods if the country does not make a deal on trade. 2、If we don’t make a deal with China, I’ll just raise the tariffs even higher,” Trump says. 3、The comments come during a meeting with the Cabinet on Tuesday. 4、Financial markets, which have proven reactive to developments in the ongoing trade war, largely shrug off the president’s latest warning. President Donald Trump takes part in a cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, DC on November 19, 2019.* President Donald Trump threatened higher tariffs on Chinese goods if that country does not make a deal on trade. The comments came during a meeting with the president’s Cabinet on Tuesday. The U.S. and China, the world’s two largest economies, have been locked in an apparent stalemate in trade negotiations that have lasted nearly two years. “If we don’t make a deal with China, I’ll just raise the tariffs even higher,” Trump said in the meeting. Financial markets, which have proven reactive to developments in the ongoing trade war, largely shrugged off Trump’s latest warning. The U.S. and China agreed to a “phase one” trade deal in October, but Beijing and Washington have since sent mixed signals about how the countries will move forward. Read more: Trump needs more than a ‘phase one’ US-China trade deal to boost 2020 odds, GOPers say A spokesperson for China’s Commerce Ministry said earlier this month that both countries had agreed to cancel some existing tariffs simultaneously. Trump later said that he had not agreed to scrap the tariffs, lowering hopes for a deal. “They’d like to have a rollback. I haven’t agreed to anything,” the president said. White House economic advisor Larry Kudlow said Friday that the countries were “getting close” to reaching a trade deal. On Saturday, Chinese Vice Premier Liu He spoke with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer. The officials had “constructive discussions,” according to China’s Commerce Ministry, and agreed to remain in close contact. The U.S. has imposed tariffs on about $500 billion in Chinese goods. China has retaliated with tariffs on about $110 billion in American products. 【中国感到悲观】 正当外界关注美中第一阶段贸易协议何时签署之际,有消息传出,北京当局对能否签署协议感到悲观。中方正在静观美国总统川普弹劾案的发展。 CNBC引用政府官员的话说,在川普表明不愿意撤销对中国商品加征的关税之后,北京方面有关贸易协议的气氛是悲观的。 该电视台北京分社社长暨资深记者尤妮丝‧尹发推文说,她从政府消息人士处获悉,在川普表明不撤关税之后,中方遭遇了麻烦。中方原本认为,美中双方原则上都同意取消关税。中方现在的策略是与美方进行谈判,但等候弹劾案和明年美国总统大选的结果,以支持中国经济为第一要务。 Mood in Beijing about #trade deal is pessimistic, government source tells me. #China troubled after Trump said no tariff rollback. (China thought both had agreed in principle.) Strategy now to talk but wait due to impeachment, US election. Also prioritize China economic support. 美中双方在10月初就第一阶段贸易协议达成口头上的协定,而且同意就签署书面协议共同努力。 中方此后一直催促美方取消双方加征的关税,并于本月稍早对外宣称,美中双方已就取消关税取得共识。然而,川普在11月8日表示,中方希望取消部分关税,但他并没有同意。这显然与中方释放的消息相反,而且对中方的希望泼了冷水。 中方正在仔细关注美国的政治局势,包括弹劾案听证和总统大选。中方官员认为,既然不清楚川普几个月后的立场,倒不如等到事情有个结果。 对于中方购买多少美国农产品,双方存有歧见。中方一直抗拒这个条件,其部分原因是,他们可能会因此而疏远了其他的贸易伙伴。 川普于11月12日在纽约经济俱乐部发表经济贸易演说时透露,美中接近达成第一阶段协议,但美方会最终决定要不要签署。他同时警告说,如果无法达成协议,美方将继续提高关税。