
The United States will soon be considered a Third World Nation. There has never been anything like what is happening at our Border. Millions of people have already poured in, but many more than that are coming! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 【政治止于边界】【川普对等哲学】
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 【战地黄花】 ~~~~~~ 川普总统写给佐治亚州州务卿的信: 宣布真正的2020获胜者! 川普总统写给佐治亚州州务卿的信: 尊敬的拉芬斯伯格州务卿,在佐治亚州大规模选票欺诈被持续报告。随函附上一份报告,涉及迪卡尔布郡统计的43000缺席选票,违反了监管链规则,以致无效。我恭敬请求你部门调查;若情况属实,加上其它选票欺诈要求,补救措施就是宣布真正的获胜者。如前所述,假票和违规选票的数量远远超过需要改变佐治亚州选举结果的数量。人们不明白为什么你和坎普州长顽固拒绝承认现已证实的事实,并尽力掩盖真相。你和坎普州长正助纣为虐——我们国家正被一位非法总统及其内阁系统性地摧毁。必须真相大白。谢谢你对此事的关注。 **********
9/22 AZ审计周五听证会细节,这里是在线直播的地址: https://www.azleg.gov/videoplayer/?clientID=6361162879&eventID=2021091005 •另外注意: 这次听证会将不包含公众评论和提问。 参加者中,除了KarenFann,Warren Peterson,Doug Logan,Ben Cotton, Ken Bennett,Randy Pullen之外,还有一位我们熟知的人物: Dr Shiva Ayyadurai。他就起诉麻省,证明了州政府指挥脸书推特对不同政治观点进行言论审查的人,也是在亚利桑那大选舞弊听证会上,证明了拜登把30%选川普的投票人的票转给拜登的数据专家。 【9月24日,一个历史性的日子!】
9/22 AZ审计周五听证会细节,这里是在线直播的地址: https://www.azleg.gov/videoplayer/?clientID=6361162879&eventID=2021091005 •另外注意: 这次听证会将不包含公众评论和提问。 参加者中,除了KarenFann,Warren Peterson,Doug Logan,Ben Cotton, Ken Bennett,Randy Pullen之外,还有一位我们熟知的人物: Dr Shiva Ayyadurai。他就起诉麻省,证明了州政府指挥脸书推特对不同政治观点进行言论审查的人,也是在亚利桑那大选舞弊听证会上,证明了拜登把30%选川普的投票人的票转给拜登的数据专家。 【本周五,9月24日,一个历史性的日子!】 https://twitter.com/AZSenateGOP/status/1440791244574056453?s=20 
********** 9/22 
•川普总统声明攻击两个重点的有迷惑性的RINO: 犹他州的Mike Lee,和纳卡莱罗纳州的林姨 Lindsey Graham。他们对“世纪之罪”-2020大选舞弊绝口不提,尽管亚利桑那,乔治亚,密歇根,宾州和威斯康星及其他州的舞弊证据浮出水面。 •共和党的RINO,比民主党的邪恶民主党议员还要差,他们不去为自己本党总统本来赢得“滑坡般的胜利”去战斗,反而姑息民主党的作弊和掩盖,让拜登上台,导致了全国的灾难。 •这些RINO应该为自己感到羞愧,他们毫无作为!他们不敢谈大选舞弊,不敢开听证会,不敢有公众互动,不敢去听难以辩驳的舞弊证据。 而假消息媒体是不会报告真相的! •今天川普总统曝光一向假正义的两名重要共和党参议员MikeLee和林姨。这是在移除老乌龟麦康奈尔的目标提出后,开始攻击他的左膀右臂了。MAGA的爱国者,又收获两头犀牛! ********** 
9/22 •选举诚信组织TrueTheVote在6个摇摆州发现大规模选票贩运证据。该组织领导人Engelbrecht说,如果执法部门依旧无所动作,那么,他们将会向公众公开全部报告,也许现在就公布。 •该组织利用移动和GPS数据,得以在2020年选举中选民欺诈热点的6个不同州卧底 ,发现了"选票贩运者前往投票箱的旅行模式"。Engelbrecht说,为了测试我们的选票贩运理论,我们在六个州的主要都市地区获得了超过10万亿个基于位置的手机信号“,"最初,我们与举报人和证人合作,但很快,数据就能说明问题。利用手机和GPS数据,我们绘制了选票贩运者到选票投递箱的旅行模式。" •该组织获得了视频监视数据,并且成功找到视频证据,证实了数字数据,并可以支持执法部门全面调查的需要。 乔治亚州240个选票贩运者丢弃数万张选票的视频就是该组织提供的。 •大规模选票贩运实据报告,在亚利桑那法医审计报告出笼前释放,这将是爆炸性的! 这里面,一个关键的问题是: TrueTheVote这个组织在大选前就设好了跟踪及监视选票贩运者行动,这些是偶然事件吗?越来越多的证据,证明着我们一直所说的,2020大选是川普和军方最大的”钓鱼行动“! Q也提醒我们考虑“陷阱”这个词。一切都在真相大白中.... https://rsbnetwork.com/featured/report-ballot-trafficking-will-soon-be-exposed-on-a-massive-scale-in-arizona-georgia-michigan-pennsylvania-wisconsin/ ********** 

9/22 •白痴登昨天会见英国约翰逊,中途忽然在没有任何预警的境况下,工作人员把记者们轰出了椭圆办公室。在紧急撤离中,有一女记者问道:Did he shit?他拉裤裆里了吗? 男记者回答: I have no idea, hope the microphone got it. 我不知道,希望麦克风知情。 •这则消息出来,本来以为是大家恶搞白痴登。但是,今天的记者会上,记者们问道了这个问题。说英国记者可以问英国首相问题,而我们问拜登的时候,就被轰了出来。回头见大妈,说我们相信跟英国关系不会被这件事影响,我们也没被提前告知这是怎么回事。这让人的确相信,白痴登发生了“内急”的情况,丢人! ********** 9/22 白痴登如果真的没拉裤兜子,能否向这位小男子汉一样大声说出来: “我没拉屎,我尿了!” 
********* 9/22 福林将军在亚利桑那州正式审计报告出笼前,发表重要声明。 他建议AZ参议院也要考虑其他被证实的来自LizHarris, Jovan Pulitzer等人的证据。 并且语重心长表明这次审计的重大意义: 1. 美国的命运和与自由公平一起的共和国在接受世界的审判; 2. 有可能为民有,民治和民享政府这个想法,钉上棺材的最后一个钉子; 3. 也决定着宪法是否依旧是美国的最高文件。 
9月23日 ********** I spent virtually no time with Senators Mike Lee of Utah, or Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, talking about the 2020 Presidential Election Scam or, as it is viewed by many, the “Crime of the Century.” Lindsey and Mike should be ashamed of themselves for not putting up the fight necessary to win. Look at the facts that are coming out in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and other States. If this were Schumer and the Democrats, with the evidence we have of Election Fraud (especially newly revealed evidence), they would have never voted to approve Biden as President, and had they not, all of the mistakes that were made over the last month, which are destroying our Country, would not have happened. Mike Lee, Lindsey Graham, and all of the other Republicans who were unwilling to fight for the Presidency of the United States, which would have included at least an additional four Republican Senators, two in Georgia, one in Michigan, one in Arizona, are letting the Democrats get away with the greatest Election Hoax in history—a total con job! We are losing our Country! The Democrats are vicious and fight like hell, and the Republicans do nothing about it. RINOs fight harder against Republicans than they do against Democrats. They want to be so politically correct, even if that means losing our Country, which is happening now. The evidence on determinative and wide-ranging Election Fraud is staggering. Your Republican Presidential candidate won in a landslide, but has so little backing from Republican “leadership.” They should be ashamed of themselves. Why don’t they have hearings? Or even if just Republicans had open public sessions, we would all hear the irrefutable facts. Remember, the Fake News Media does not report the truth! ********** Why is the Fake News Media continuing on their path of saying, “baseless and disproven lies,” concerning the Presidential Election of 2020, no matter how much evidence they see? These phrases are coordinated propaganda by Lamestream. It is an automatic phrase they use about the 2020 Election Scam when in fact it was just the opposite. The proof is massive and staggering. The Presidential Election of 2020 was Rigged! When the information becomes public, people will see that it wasn’t even close. ********** RINO former President George “Dubya” Bush and his flunky Karl Rove are endorsing warmongering and very low polling, Liz Cheney. Bush is the one who got us into the quicksand of the Middle East and, after spending trillions of dollars and killing nearly a million people, the Middle East was left in worse shape after 21 years than it was when he started his stupidity. It ended with Biden’s most embarrassing in history withdrawal from Afghanistan, a total surrender, leaving $85 Billion dollars of equipment and many young Warriors lives behind. Bush is the person who did not have the courage to give a pardon to his Vice President’s Chief of Staff, Scooter Libby, even though Cheney begged for him to do so. He wouldn’t, they didn’t talk for years. I didn’t know Scooter, but gave him a full pardon—not at their request, but because he deserved it. He suffered greatly. Former Vice President Cheney called to effusively thank me. Now he is on the side of his daughter who is so bad for Wyoming and the United States that she is polling at record lows. ********** The only powerful tool that Republicans have to negotiate with is the Debt Ceiling, and they would be both foolish and unpatriotic not to use it now. The way I look at it, what the Democrats are proposing, on so many different levels, will destroy our Country. Therefore, Republicans have no choice but to do what they have to do, and the Democrats will have no choice but to concede all of the horror they are trying to inflict upon the future of the United States. Unrelated, but likewise, their so-called “Voting Rights Bill” will be the end of our Democracy. Don’t give up or concede, Republicans, this is the ultimate representation of the People! ********** Anybody that changes the name of the once storied Cleveland Indians to the Cleveland Guardians should not be running for the United States Senate representing the Great People of Ohio. The Atlanta Braves didn’t change their name, and the Florida State Seminoles didn’t change their chant, but Cleveland has, and they were there first. Despite this, a man named Matt Dolan, the son of the owner of the team, said he is against Cancel Culture. Do those two things really work together? In any event, I know of at least one person in the race who I won’t be endorsing. The Republican Party has too many RINOs! ********** The United States will soon be considered a Third World Nation. There has never been anything like what is happening at our Border. Millions of people have already poured in, but many more than that are coming!