文章评论 |
作者:木秀于林 |
留言时间:2021-07-12 13:18:03 |
1776, not 1619! 98% approval rating at CPAC, the highest ever, by far. A new record! |
作者:木秀于林 |
留言时间:2021-07-11 22:19:09 |
Met with many of the most important “influencers” last night in Las Vegas. Lots of topics discussed, including the Fake News Media and how to go around dishonest journalists. Some really good ideas emerging.
作者:木秀于林 |
留言时间:2021-07-11 22:18:40 |
I am proud to inform you that the Lamestream Media has hit the lowest approval ratings ever recorded. I think it would be fair to assume that I had something to do with that. They are not only dishonest and corrupt, they are truly, according to a recent poll, the enemy of the people. In a similar category, CNN’s ratings are down a whopping, and record-setting, 79% and likewise, horrible numbers at MSDNC (Joe Scarborough and his lovely wife, Mika, are at record lows). These developments are great news for the American People!
作者:木秀于林 |
留言时间:2021-07-11 22:17:16 |
Remember when the Fake News Media would blast me about how well Seoul, South Korea was doing with the pandemic? Well now, sadly, Seoul is riddled with the China Virus almost beyond what other countries had to go through. They are having a terrible time of it. The Media also used India as another country doing really well—we all know how that ended. They talked about these two countries in order to demean my Administration, which has now been proven to have done an incredible job. I only bring this up to show how dishonest and corrupt the Fake News Media is!
作者:木秀于林 |
留言时间:2021-07-11 22:15:45 |
For all of those finally realizing what a great job we did with respect to the pandemic, including rapidly filling the cupboards that were left “bare” by the previous administration, in both the Federal Government and States, please also remember that it was the Trump Administration that produced the vaccine in less than 9 months—many years ahead of anticipated schedule. Biden and his group just used our plan of distribution, which had started long before he took office. Without the vaccine, the entire World would have ended up like it was in 1917, the Spanish Flu, where as many as 100 million people died. While we get no credit for this from the Fake News Media, the people know—that’s why I got 75 million votes!
作者:木秀于林 |
留言时间:2021-07-11 14:08:34 |
The Fake News Media continuously likes stating that I lost the “suburbs.” How would this be possible when I was the one that stopped the low-income housing agenda of Obama/Biden, already enacted, from happening there. The suburbs would have been destroyed—but they continuously fail to mention that I got 12 million more votes than I did in 2016, a record for a sitting President along with the 75 million votes, also a record. So how did that happen and how come I “lost”? This is just more Fake News. And remember, they can say all of this, including the suburbs nonsense, because we had a Rigged Election! |
作者:老尚童 |
留言时间:2021-07-09 18:29:23 |
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America It seems to me that meeting with authors of the ridiculous number of books being written about my very successful Administration, or me, is a total waste of time. They write whatever they want to write anyway without sources, fact-checking, or asking whether or not an event is true or false. Frankly, so many stories are made-up, or pure fiction. These writers are often bad people who write whatever comes to their mind or fits their agenda. It has nothing to do with facts or reality. So when reading the garbage that the Fake News Media puts out, please remember this and take everything with a “grain of salt.”
作者:老尚童 |
留言时间:2021-07-09 18:28:39 |
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America The story written by third-rate reporter Michael Bender, that Mike Pence and I had a big fight over Corey Lewandowski, is totally false. No such fight ever happened, it is fiction as are so many others stories written in the vast number of books coming out about me.
作者:老尚童 |
留言时间:2021-07-09 18:27:56 |
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America Wow, the numbers are really looking good for Glenn Youngkin in his race against Terry McAuliffe for Governor of Virginia. Glenn has been an incredible success and will truly Make Virginia Great Again. Rarely have I seen such enthusiasm. Virginia has so much potential but has been badly hurt by awful economic policy, terrible crime, and the worst education system promoting Critical Race Theory, etc. But, Glenn will fix this immediately. He is a highly respected person, not just a figurehead like Virginia’s current and recent past Governors. Terry McAuliffe was a failed and unpopular Governor, whose only claim to fame was his relationship with Crooked Hillary Clinton—how did that work out? I knew McAuliffe well. He accepted large campaign contributions from me, said only great things and would do whatever I wanted, until I ran for office. He was a political HACK! If Virginia wants to open up and take advantage of its great and virtually unprecedented opportunity, Glenn Youngkin is the very successful businessman that will get them there!
作者:木秀于林 |
留言时间:2021-07-09 13:35:48 |
习SB叫嚣“14亿中国人民血肉筑长城”,表明中国、中国人民是没有“精神”的。 世界上独一无二的“无精神国家”。
作者:木秀于林 |
留言时间:2021-07-09 08:13:02 |
Endorsement of Ryan Zinke Under Ryan Zinke’s leadership at the Department of the Interior, the U.S. achieved Energy Dominance, increased federal energy revenues, and responsibly opened federal acreage for energy production. He was instrumental in expanding public access to public lands for recreation and rebuilding our National Parks and Forests infrastructure. As Montana’s Congressman for the new 2nd District, Ryan will fight against the Radical Left Democrats who continually block the America First policies we put in place. He will be a strong leader for the great Patriots of Montana. Ryan has my Complete and Total Endorsement for Congress!
作者:老尚童 |
留言时间:2021-07-09 02:22:15 |
***************************** 自从盘古开天地,中国人民无逻辑。
三皇五帝到如今,中国人民死相拼。 ****************************** 《满江红》十四亿苍蝇碰壁 小小寰球,十四亿苍蝇碰壁。嗡嗡叫,壁内凄厉,壁外抽泣。蚂蚁缘槐夸大国,蚍蜉撼树谈何易。正川风落叶扫中国,飞鸣鸡。 多少事,从来急;天地转,光阴迫。一万年太久,只争朝夕。美国翻腾红州怒,世界震荡川风疾。要消灭所有共产党,全无敌。
作者:老尚童 |
留言时间:2021-07-08 17:45:12 |
二战的结果及政治格局核心是东西方重新划分欧洲利益。 埋下的“通俄门”祸根延续至今。 老天爷睁开三分眼,川总统国际大翻盘,已经相当成功的把通俄门变成了通中门。 |
作者:木秀于林 |
留言时间:2021-07-08 00:50:34 |
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America The Fake News and Big Tech (and Dems!) coordinated attack on the millions of people in our Country, who call the 2020 Presidential Election disgraceful and corrupt, is failing. More and more people are calling it RIGGED and STOLEN. |
作者:木秀于林 |
留言时间:2021-07-08 00:49:41 |
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America Congratulations to Vito Fossella on winning the Republican Primary for Borough President of Staten Island. Now onto victory against a Radical Left Democrat. Vito will be representing the greatest people on Earth, and he will never let you down. I love Staten Island! |