Trump Was Right, World Leaders Were Wrong: Russia Just Cut Off Germany’s Fuel Supply. Who’s Laughing Now? ‘I trust that Russia will return to 20% on Saturday, but no one can really say’ 特朗普是对的,世界领导人错了:俄罗斯刚刚切断了德国的燃料供应。现在谁在笑?
“我相信俄罗斯周六会恢复到20%,但没有人能真正说” As the Ukrainian war rages on, Europeans across the continent are appalled to discover that the man they found shockingly repulsive, Donald Trump, correctly warned that over-reliance on Russia’s energy would cripple their entire way of life. 随着乌克兰战争的爆发,整个欧洲大陆的欧洲人震惊地发现,他们认为令人震惊的令人反感的人唐纳德·特朗普正确地警告说,过度依赖俄罗斯的能源将削弱他们的整个生活方式。 “I assume that we will be able to cope with it,” Klaus Mueller, the president of Germany’s network regulator, told Reuters after the announcement. “I trust that Russia will return to 20% on Saturday, but no one can really say.”
我想我们将能够应对它,”德国网络监管机构总裁克劳斯·穆勒在宣布后告诉路透社。“我相信俄罗斯周六会恢复到20%,但没有人能真正说。” 如果我是德国人,并且我听说了这一点,我做的第一件事就是开始编织一个超厚的Wintermantel。 我正在做的第二件事是想知道为什么德国领导人没有听从特朗普的预言。 If I’m a German and I’m hearing that, the first thing I’m doing is starting to knit an extra thick Wintermantel. The second thing I’m doing is wondering why the German leaders didn’t heed Trump’s prophetic words. 如果我是德国人,并且我听说了这一点,我做的第一件事就是开始编织一个超厚的Wintermantel。 我正在做的第二件事是想知道为什么德国领导人没有听从特朗普的预言。 German leaders in particular literally laughed out loud at America’s 45th president at the United Nations when he criticized their energy relationship with Russia, claiming that they were totally dependent four years ago. Instead, Germany opted to listen to folks like Greta Thunberg — a teenager fully indoctrinated by climate change charlatans — and push green energy.
特别是德国领导人在联合国对美国第45任总统大声笑了笑,当时他批评了他们与俄罗斯的能源关系,声称他们四年前完全依赖。 相反,德国选择倾听像Greta Thunberg这样的人的话——一个完全被气候变化江湖骗子灌输的青少年——并推动绿色能源。 “Germany will become totally dependent on Russian energy if it does not immediately change course,” Trump said before the U.N. in 2018. “Here in the Western Hemisphere, we are committed to maintaining our independence from the encroachment of expansionist foreign powers,” he added The Left-leaning NowThis Twitter account claimed at the time that “Trump made some outrageous claims about German energy at the UN — and the German delegation’s reaction was priceless.”
如果德国不立即改变路线,它将完全依赖俄罗斯能源,”特朗普于2018年在联合国之前说。 他补充说:“在西半球,我们致力于保持独立,免受扩张主义外国势力的侵犯。” 左倾现在这个推特账户当时声称,“特朗普在联合国对德国的能源提出了一些令人发指的主张——德国代表团的反应是无价的。” ~~~~~~~~~~ •最先提到核武威胁的是白灯政府,目的是把核威胁与通俄门联系起来,普京核卫国后发先制耳。
•普京深谙孙子兵法,兵者,不在吾之必胜,而在吾之不可胜。 普京:不是我们不要美元,是美元不要我们!
