文章评论 |
作者:木秀于林 |
留言时间:2021-07-04 19:00:26 |
两岸关系”没了,只有“美中台”三方关系。……直至共党灭亡 |
作者:老尚童 |
留言时间:2021-07-04 13:34:36 |
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America Happy 4th of July to all! ****************************** 自从盘古开天地,中国人民无逻辑。
三皇五帝到如今,中国人民死相拼。 |
作者:木秀于林 |
留言时间:2021-07-04 11:52:46 |
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America Happy 4th of July to all!
作者:老尚童 |
留言时间:2021-07-04 04:19:41 |
“两岸关系”没了,只有“美中台”三方关系。……直至共党灭亡。 |
作者:木秀于林 |
留言时间:2021-07-04 01:56:25 |
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America Look forward to the big Sarasota, Florida rally tomorrow night at 8PM! Can be seen on OAN and @NewsmaxTV!
作者:老尚童 |
留言时间:2021-07-03 18:30:32 |
作者:木秀于林 |
留言时间:2021-07-03 08:23:43 |
政治止于边界。 政治没有“如果”,虚拟语气在政治中不起作用。要、想要之类的情态动词也无效。 |
作者:老尚童 |
留言时间:2021-07-02 21:36:15 |
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America Look forward to the big Sarasota, Florida rally tomorrow night at 8PM! Can be seen on OAN and @NewsmaxTV!
作者:老尚童 |
留言时间:2021-07-02 21:35:14 |
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America The Democrats are WEAPONIZING Radical Left prosecutors against the Republican Party in order to STEAL ELECTIONS. We cannot let them get away with this. They are destroying our Country!
作者:老尚童 |
留言时间:2021-07-02 19:18:55 |
作者:老尚童 |
留言时间:2021-07-02 18:26:03 |
美国第45任总统唐纳德-J-川普的声明 前往南部边境,在我们国家漫长的历史中,南部边境从来没有这么糟糕过。我们有美国历史上最成功的边境政策,而现在我们有迄今为止最不成功的政策。人们成百上千地涌入。他们正在毁掉我们的国家。很快再次相见。
作者:木秀于林 |
留言时间:2021-07-01 13:54:51 |
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America The political Witch Hunt by the Radical Left Democrats, with New York now taking over the assignment, continues. It is dividing our Country like never before!
作者:木秀于林 |
留言时间:2021-06-29 09:37:39 |
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America Jonathan Karl’s story on Slow Moving Bill Barr is made-up beyond any level imaginable. It is, in other words, Fake News! I lost confidence in Bill Barr long before the 2020 Presidential Election Scam. It was when he dismissed and didn’t act on the very powerful Horowitz Report, and instead gave everything over to John Durham, who has seemingly disappeared from the planet. Can you even believe a report coming out during the Biden Administration? We caught them but unfortunately didn’t have an Attorney General who was capable of acting and wouldn’t go against his friends in Washington, D.C. Barr was a “swamp creature” who was devastated when the Radical Left wanted to impeach him. He, and other RINOs (you see it all the time!), always fold. If he becomes “less” for President Trump, maybe they will leave him alone. It takes a very strong and special person to go against the “mob”. Bill Barr was not that person. Despite evidence of tremendous Election Fraud, he just didn’t want to go there. He was afraid, weak, and frankly, now that I see what he is saying, pathetic. The facts are rapidly coming out in States and Courts about the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, and let’s see if Bill Barr, a man who was unable to handle the pressure, was correct? The answer will be a resounding, NO!
作者:木秀于林 |
留言时间:2021-06-29 09:19:32 |
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, on Radical Left New York Political Prosecutors Radical Left New York City and State Prosecutors, who have let murderers, rapists, drug dealers, and all other forms of crime skyrocket to record levels, and who have just announced that they will be releasing hundreds of people involved in violent crime back onto the streets without retribution of any kind, are rude, nasty, and totally biased in the way they are treating lawyers, representatives, and some of the wonderful long-term employees and people within the Trump Organization. After hundreds of subpoenas, over 3 million pages of documents, 4 years of searching, dozens and dozens of interviews, and millions of dollars of taxpayer funds wasted, they continue to be “in search of a crime” and will do anything to frighten people into making up the stories or lies that they want, but have been totally unable to get. In an unprecedented move, they retained an outside “Never Trumper” lawyer from a Trump-hating law firm to work on the case. It is a continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt of all time.
Now they are issuing ultimatums, working in close conjunction with the Washington, D.C. hacks who have been investigating me from the day I came down the escalator in Trump Tower, but who have failed. In fact, the guilty parties were these prosecutors’ partners in crime, the Radical Left Democrats and friends. They will do anything to stop the MAGA movement (and me), even if it involves prosecutorial misconduct and harassment of a political opponent, which they are using at levels rarely seen before. They leak, they lie, and they campaign based on information that has already been gone through in other of the many investigations I have put up with. Now they just leaked that we were given one day, today, to make our case about things that are standard practice throughout the U.S. business community, and in no way a crime. They also know that no matter how strong our case, they will work hard to embarrass us and the Republican Party. Having politically motivated prosecutors, people who actually got elected because they will “get Donald Trump,” is a very dangerous thing for our Country. In the end, people will not stand for it. Remember, if they can do this to me, they can do it to anyone! Why would anyone bring their company to New York, or even stay in New York, knowing these Radical Left Democrats would willingly target their company if viewed as a political opponent? It is devastating for New York! These Witch Hunters are relentlessly seeking to destroy a reputation of a President who has done a great job for this Country, including tax and regulation cuts, Border control, rebuilding the Military, and developing the vaccine in record time—thereby saving our Country, and far beyond. Washington, D.C. and ultimately, the U.S. Supreme Court, should finally stop these vicious, angry, and highly partisan prosecutors. They are a disgrace to our Nation!
作者:木秀于林 |
留言时间:2021-06-29 05:01:15 |
美国第45任总统唐纳德-J-川普的声明 如果米奇-麦康奈尔像他应该做的那样争取总统职位,现在就会有总统对所有阶段性立法的否决权,而他已经证明没有能力阻止这些立法。更不用说,他在佐治亚州失去了两个参议员席位,使共和党在参议院成为少数派。他从未为白宫而战,却为国家搞砸了它。太糟糕了,我在肯塔基州支持他,他本来会在初选中败下阵来! 根据新闻报道,他说服了他的朋友比尔-巴尔(Bill Barr),让腐败的(基于假新闻拒绝提及的大量证据!)选举尽快结束,并为拜登盖章。
作者:木秀于林 |
留言时间:2021-06-28 12:12:44 |
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America Had Mitch McConnell fought for the Presidency like he should have, there would right now be Presidential Vetoes on all of the phased Legislation that he has proven to be incapable of stopping. Not to mention, he lost two Senatorial seats in Georgia, making the Republicans the Minority in the Senate. He never fought for the White House and blew it for the Country. Too bad I backed him in Kentucky, he would have been primaried and lost! Based on press reports, he convinced his buddy, Bill Barr, to get the corrupt (based on massive amounts of evidence that the Fake News refuses to mention!) election done, over with, and sealed for Biden, ASAP!
作者:木秀于林 |
留言时间:2021-06-28 01:55:41 |
Bill Barr was a disappointment in every sense of the word. Besides which, Barr, who was Attorney General (lawyer) shouldn't be speaking about the President. Instead of doing his job, he did the opposite and told people within the Justice Department not to investigate the election. Just like he did with the Mueller report and the cover up of Crooked Hillary and RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, they don’t want to investigate the real facts. Bill Barr’s weakness helped facilitate the cover up of the Crime of the Century, the Rigged 2020 Presidential Election!
作者:木秀于林 |
留言时间:2021-06-28 01:53:49 |
Now it was revealed that Barr was being pushed to tell lies about the election by Mitch McConnell, another beauty, who was worried about damaging the Republicans chances in the Georgia runoff. What really damaged the Senate Republicans was allowing their races to be rigged and stolen, and worse, the American people to no longer believe their vote matters because spineless RINOs like Bill Barr and Mitch McConnell did nothing.
作者:木秀于林 |
留言时间:2021-06-28 01:51:39 |
If he felt this way, why did Barr say he was “greatly honored” and “proud to have played a role in the many successes and unprecedented achievements you have delivered for the American people” in the final letter he wrote to me? He said, “Few could have weathered these attacks, much less forge ahead with a positive program for the country."
作者:木秀于林 |
留言时间:2021-06-28 01:47:35 |
He came in with a semi-bang and went out with a whimper. Earlier in his term Bill Barr went ballistic on CNN with Wolf Blitzer warning Democrats were changing election rules to flood the system with mail-in ballots that “as a matter of logic” are “very open to fraud.” They are, and Bill Barr did nothing about it. If there was no fraud, why are Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and other States spending so much time and effort on exposing the fraud? We already know that:
作者:木秀于林 |
留言时间:2021-06-28 01:43:30 |
It’s people in authority like Bill Barr that allow the crazed Radical Left to succeed. He and other RINOs in the Republican Party are being used in order to try to convince people that the election was legitimate when so many incredible facts have now come out to show conclusively that it wasn’t.
作者:木秀于林 |
留言时间:2021-06-28 01:40:50 |
6月28日 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America RINO former Attorney General Bill Barr failed to investigate election fraud, and really let down the American people. Even the scam that took place in Georgia of ballot stuffing on camera, he couldn’t see what was wrong with it. Just like he failed to understand the Horowitz report and let everyone down with respect to getting a timely investigation (where’s Durham?) on all of the corruption of the Obama-Biden Administration. |