
猪到死都不明白手拿尖刀杀它的人和给它一日三餐的人是什么关系 ~~~~~~~~~ 三年抗疫花费:140000.001Z元。接近大清全部对外赔款的6倍。 大清朝对外赔款的 “合约”金额,是白银17.6亿两。实际支付13.35亿两。按每两白银150.00元计算,折合人民币2002.50亿元。按每两白银200.00元计算,折合人民币2670.00亿元。 按此计算,等于中国打了12次鸦片战争。6次甲午战争。30年的全民免费医疗。 14万亿人民币,是2019年1776亿军费的78.8倍,也就是说一次抗疫就花光了以后79年的军费开支! ~~~~~~~~~~ 《习近平发动了三场战争》 第一场战争:2013 - 2015,习近平发动的是对【党内政敌】的战争,名义就是反腐。
第二场战争:2016 - 2019,习发动了对【民营经济】的战争,名义是共同富裕
第三场战争:2020年到现在,这场战争的对象是中国人,对【中国人】发动的战争,名义是生命至上。这场战争杀戮生命和自由!这第三场战争、对国人的战争影响深远,影响到中国当代社会的结构甚至波及全世界,当然也会反过来,势必会终结习近平的政治野心,乃至他的政治生命。 ~~~~~~~~~~ 《习近平Xi毒,折腾来折腾去8年干砸22件事》 【习近的执政】本质 第一,所谓千年大计的雄安新区,变成了烂尾区,投入的万亿资金全都打水漂了。 第二,搞亚投行,要跟亚发行甚至国际货币基金组织和世界银行平起平坐,结果却招来了美国无休止的报复。 第三,“一带一路”被大书特书为所谓的伟大战略计划,结果全部成了烂尾工程,导致几万亿美元的投资打水漂。 第四,单方撕毁中英联合申明,废除一国两制承诺,强制把香港內地化,好好的一个国际金融中心,折腾成了现在这个样子。 第五,军机绕台搞乱台海关系。若不是习近平瞎白活,民进党蔡英文也不可能连任,台湾民众也不司能全面台独化。 第六,战狼外交,导致中国外交关系全面恶化; 第七:认賊作父,联俄抗美、帮俄救市,舍本逐末。进贡几千亿,结果换来的非洲猪瘟、搞石油、俄国排华和背后捅刀子。 第八,私企國有化,瞎折腾民营企业,把民营经济搞到了绝望、崩盘的地步。 第九,不顾国际影响,强行在南海争议海域填海造岛,导致中国与邻国关系恶化。 第十,不顾国际公约,借军民融合之名,大肆发展生化武器,导致新冠病毒在全世界泛滥 第十一,强推强关网络金融,导致中国上亿投资者受害。 第十二,豉励地方政府暴力强征强拆,导致无数百姓失地失业。 第十三,不顾民众感受,公开否认文革对社会的危害。 第十四,不惜耗尽国力,不顾国计民生,在全世界大撒币。 第十五,在内蒙大搞文化灭绝运动。 第十六,强制修改宪法,取消国家主席和副主席的任期制。 第十七,强拆教堂,全面打压宗教自由。 第十八,大搞人质外交,使中国外交全面恶化。 第十九,大量引进非洲流学生,并在高校导致中国艾兹病泛滥成灾。 第二十,在觉內大搞一言堂,炮制妄议中央罪。 第二十一,不顾宪法,大搞小组(委员会)治国,公开掠夺国务院权力。 第二十二,在民企和外企强制推行设立党支部,导致民企大量倒闭,外企大量逃离。 ~~~~~~~~~~ 

中国一直没有积极说明,有许多报告说它(病毒)可能是从这个实验室泄露出来的,他们在那里确实有个实验室,我觉得有趣的是那些湿货市场,如果中国认为病毒是从那里传出来的,那他们为什么又要让那些市场恢复营业呢?有许多悬而末决的疑问和许多情报倾向于显示病毒就是从实验室泄露出的,一直以来有许多对于那个实验室运作的担忧,它不是在最好的状态下运作的,还有许多真切的担忧,我们必须追查到底。 ~~~~~~~~~~~ 

主持人: speaker you've also said that you are going to release all the video from January 6th,tell me why you want to release all the video,and what can Congress really do at this point?can you change the course of where we've been,where it feels like the Democrats have been just railroading over the Republicans now for several years。 议长麦卡锡: well that's what we really tried to do in the house,the first thing we did on the first day was open the people's House back to the people。you know Nancy Pelosiwasn't allowing the public to come in,now you can come in and watch and hear the debates。 we opened up the capital for people to come and tour,we took away the magnetometers of members going on to the floor。we want the people to be a part of their government to be actually see that it's working。the reason why I looked to releasing those tapes。 I watched the politicization of what transpired there,that Nancy Pelosi wouldn't release her own text but picked would pick and choose who could be on that committee。I watched what the report said,things that were not true,so the best way to handle this,I think is exactly the way Elon Musk just put all the information out there,and let people see what is truth and what is not。 主持人: so the best way to do that is you release the tapes,people can know forthemselves instead of picking and choosing what views they want people to see。well what are we going to learn,are we going to learn that Nancy Pelosi basically allowed open air and people to come in with the Capital Police not enforcing rules。 议长麦卡锡: I don't know,I haven't seen the tapes,I just think they should be released,the one thing I did know, when Nancy Pelosi picked this committee,she picked a chairman that actually objected to President Bush being as president,but the chairman actually said,we can look at everything except Nancy Pelosi,we could not know what she said or to the sergeant of arms。 I think all that information should come forward,and let the American public understand what transpired,and let them know the full truth…… ~~~~~~~~~~