《美国众议院议长凯文 •麦卡锡的对华政策摘选》 1、中美关系即冷战关系,美国必须赢得新冷战,在全球范围内与中国对抗 2、《中国问题特别委员会》是驴象两觉团结一致,联合对付中国的机构。 3、结束对中国的关键商品依赖,打造去中国化的供应链。例如,美国高度依赖中国药品,即使脱钩后买印度仿制药,原料也是来自中国,必须进一步脱钩。 4、禁止美国养老金在中国投资,因为这是给中国提供军费。 5、扩充军备,武装台湾。 6、推动“一带一路”倡议的可行替代方案,联合友邦对抗中国。 7、警惕、甄别和惩处亲华的精英人士,特别要注意,严防教育、文化领域的中国渗透。严厉打击中国间谍,但请无辜的华人华侨不要害怕,美国不会误伤他们。 8、支持中国的 A4纸运动。 ~~~~~~~~~~ 《中国的信仰,去他M的》 《打土豪分田地,抢田地打土豪》 中国的信仰就是去他M的,活下去最要紧,这个是很伟大的信仰。 中国人不讲原则,这是中国人最不好的地方,也是中国人最好的地方。 就是什么东西他M的有用,咱们就用,原来没用,结果翻翻还有用,再拿出来用。就这样吃了拉、拉了吃… ~~~~~~~~~~ 《川普在家指挥D.C》 《Trump is currently running Washington DC from Mar-A-Lago!!》 We just protected the strategic petroleum reserve where the president Can no longer delete it and sell our oil to China
《美妹精解国会议案》 《The House just passed a bill to repeal the $80 Billion funding for IRS. But that's not the whole story.》 《Republicans pass petroleum reserve proteccion》 House PASSED bill to repeal $80 Billion for the IRS The legislation would pull back almost all of the $80 billion over 10 years for the IRS allocated in the Inflation Reduction Act 【The Facts】 The IRS is still getting its $80 Billion over the next 10 years。 The Democrat controlled Senate will NOT take this bill up and IF they do and IF it passes, the President will veto it。 You've probably heard...“That money will fund 87,000 IRS agents to come after YOU!" 【True】 The IRS *COULD* use that money to hire 87,000 EMPLOYEES over the next 10 years NOT every employee is an agent。 $80 Billion used for modernizing the IRS hire more customer service employees to answer phones replace the group of employees set to retire in the next 10 years。 That money WILL go towards hiring more IRS agents. Treasury Secretary & IRS Commissioner said all agents will focus on making sure corporations and the wealthy pay what they owe。 Independent Congressional Budget Office says this bill (if it became law) would INCREASE the federal deficit by $114.4 Billion over 10 yrs。