| 我家小儿子各门科目都很好,就是写作差一些。这也难怪,他跳过一级,在这个全学区的最优资质班 (top 3%)里是最小的孩子。虽然他的阅读理解绝对不比任何同班同学差, 但写作表达能力却总有些不是很成熟。加上他书写不整齐(用老 公的话说,那手字就像鸡爪子爬出来的,而且字和字之间还不隔开 --还好今年不要求用“花体字”了,否则他的作业我还真看不懂),为他的写作成绩打了不少折扣。所以,从假期开始,我让他多写日记,有什么有趣的事情,就写下来。一来练书写,二来也练习书面表达和交流的能力。他虽然很不情愿,但还是比较合作。 昨天给他收拾书包,意外地发现一篇放假前写的作文, 看了以后我不禁笑出声来。 My Hobby Clap, clap! Playing piano is my favorite thing to do in my spare time, because people who hear me play piano enjoy it, and because I play piano with my dad. To begin, people who hear me play piano always enjoy it. Because of that, I could make playing piano my job. Then maybe, just maybe, I would be able to get famous from playing piano and get loads of money. Furthermore, people compliment me after I play a piece of music. That makes me feel super and joyous. So I would always feel great! People love it when I play, so I love playing. Also, I play piano with my Dad. He is nice, and he makes playing piano feel much more fun and easier. I like my Dad. Playing piano is a good way for Dad and I to have something to do together. He makes playing piano enjoyable and cool. I love playing piano with my Dad as much as a koala bear likes eating eucalyptus tree leaves. That is why I love playing piano. 问他真的弹钢琴是他最喜欢做的事情吗?他白我一眼说:“那我总不能说玩游戏是我最喜欢的事情吧!” 看,小小年纪,还挺明白impressions management 的重要性的。我觉得最好玩的两句:" Then maybe, just maybe, I would be able to get famous from playing piano and get loads of money", and "I love playing piano with my Dad as much as a koala bear likes eating eucalyptus tree leaves"。 俺还真不知道那无尾熊吃的树叶是叫这个名字的树上来的呢。 相关文章: 儿子的油管子亮相 亨得尔与贝多芬 -- 儿子的高中圣诞音乐会 |