这里先借用椰子在文章后面对读者的回复来做一个定义:Political correctness (adjectivally, politically correct; both forms commonly abbreviated to PC) is a term denoting language, ideas, policies, and behavior seen as seeking to minimize social and institutional offense in occupational, gender, racial, cultural, sexual orientation, handicap, and age-related contexts......Thus, politically incorrect connotes language, ideas, and behavior, unconstrained by orthodoxy and the fear of giving offense"。椰子在后面还做了一个自己的注解:“可见这是在社交场合或公众场所以及可供人们阅读的媒体上,人们为避免得罪弱势群体(常见于有色人种或女性在场),而在言语上极其注意自己的遣词造句以免造次,冒犯了人。标准是当时主流社会认可的价值或说法,这样也可以延伸到不仅是弱势群体,还有某种政治制度、意识形态在具体社会里是正确的”。它的起源,正如一位网友在椰子文章后面指出的,正是来源于马列主义阵营; 但在社会主义阵营里主要用于袒护政府的意识形态,到了美国这个资本主义社会,却渐渐演变成为保护弱势群体和易手伤害的群体的东西,这中间的渐变过程到底如何,虽然超过了本文的范围和本人的能力所及,本身就是值得探讨的问题。
Dr. Thio Li-Ann担任人权法教授,但这个决定遭到了学校同性恋学生的反对--因为这位学者(她同时也是新加坡议会成员)在新加坡曾经对反对同性恋行为的议案投过赞成票。NYU 的LGBT 协会组织了748 名学生联名上书,抗议学校雇用教授,他们在信中说:“By bringing Dr. Thio to NYU, the Law School is acting in opposition to its own policy of nondiscrimination and undermining its commitment to advancing human rights world-wide. This is a step backwards in the Law School’s longstanding support of the LGBT community。”在这样的压力下,Thio 教授决定拒绝纽约大学的聘书。对此事件,一位法学专家评论道:“..gay students (and members of other historically disadvantaged groups) are said to suffer actual discrimination when the administration hires faculty members who argue against anti-discrimination laws. This confusion of speech and action─ of advocating for discrimination and actually engaging in it ─ is common in academia, where academic freedom is too often limited to the freedom to advance prevailing ideals of equality.” and, "once again, the advocates of “diversity” and “tolerance” have shown themselves remarkably intolerant of different points of view. Academic freedom takes a back seat to political correctness. "
还有许多,有些不见得涉及“政治正确”,所以就不多说。但有一个比较有深远影响的案子(Stronach v. Virginia State University) 这里有必要提一下。2008 年,佛吉尼亚法院判决校方不经过教授同意改动学生成绩并未违背学术自由原则(“that no constitutional right to academic freedom exists that would prohibit senior (university) officials from changing a grade given by (a professor) to one of his students”)。但法庭也申明,它并不认为校方有权“强迫”教授修改学生的成绩(如果这样的话就违背了学术自由); 但在这个案子里,学生直接向校方提出抗议,校方出面干预,并不构成违法。这个案子引起了非常强烈的反响,不少学者认为是学术自由受到打击的又一个里程碑。
昭君, 谢谢你。我想说的是统治阶级与被统治阶级是我们这个学科(社会学)无法绕过,或者说是一个非常significant的,one of the defining feature of society的学术观点。从你和高天的讨论我也看到学科之间看世界的角度和术语都有极大差别。马克思是我非常佩服和推崇的学者,他对资本主义社会的性质的揭示很深刻。
我和椰公这两天都在家里讨论这个话题呢。我们总结了一下政治正确大概可分为三类,(1)国家或社会制度层次的,意识形态层次的,即在美国不能说社会主义制度也有其优越性, (2)在公共场合,不能说stereotype的东西,关于种族的、性别的、性取向的,一说就是政治不正确了,对公众人物后果可以很严重; (3)第三类是你文章尾巴里那一类的,属于label型的,听起来搞笑,但是也要注意,否则也不知怎么就踩了谁的尾巴了。(不过要那些是真的,那我可是经常政治不正确,像我从来只说unemployment,不会说“between two jobs"这样的话。)
twocentsworth: "It is ONLY when "political correctness" is used as a CLUB to beat the unconventional, the "wild spirits", the "free thinkers", the "anti-socials" etc. into line that it becomes repugnant".
昭君, Apologize for writing in English...it's hard enough writing my own blog in Chinese, but of course for the sake of all other readers, please feel free to reply in Chinese.
Reader 天择 is on a very crucial point. "Political correctness" exists for very good reasons, such as protecting minority rights etc. etc. It is ONLY when "political correctness" is used as a CLUB to beat the unconventional, the "wild spirits", the "free thinkers", the "anti-socials" etc. into line that it becomes repugnant. (And I think you stated as much in your piece.)
This is one excellent essay! The comment about Dr. Thio is right on. Society often walks on eggshell when it comes to political correctness. The result is that “special interests” end up carrying the day, and those who are only sometimes politically incorrect are silenced.
On a bigger scale this is what happened to 聂绀弩 in the beautiful narration in 往事并不如烟。中国文革 was a huge exercise in stamping out political incorrectness. 它的目的和作用,就是要消灭所有”politically incorrect”的分子。
Your other examples, too, are very much on topic.
As for your examples of “politically correct” phrases, here’s one from me. For a long time a member of my family kept referring to her fiancé as “my partner”. We thought it was hilarious. It sounded more like they were a law firm or a business enterprise, than a loving relationship.
Wow... this awsome, collected if it is okay with you.
“Bald”=“Comb-Free” “Blind”=“Visually Challenged”, Can't even say "visually impaired"? “Prostitute”=“Sex Care Provider” “Ugly”=“Cosmetically Different” “Unemployed”=“Involuntarily leisured”
A Criminal - unsavory character Cheating - Academic Dishonesty China – Porcelain Dead - Actuarially Mature Drug Addict - Chemically Challenged Fat - horizontally gifted Short - vertically challenged Homeless - outdoor urban dwellers Prisoner - client of the correctional system Stupid - differently-brained