所幸的是,儿子上的都是提高班(honor class),班上的同学基本上比较固定,加上他和几个朋友都是管弦乐队的成员,这样他上初中后,朋友倒多了起来。今年他开始对AMV感兴趣,花了很多时间编辑下载的动画片,配音乐,然后贴到YouTube上。 这个新的爱好让很多同学觉得他很酷(他的同学在七年级的年级同学册上写道:"You are the coolest Chinese kid I know"! "You rock!”)。他看了可真开心。上了八年级以后,他被选入Advance Honor Math 班,班上囊括了这个年级最好的学生。儿子很快和他们年级数学第一名,一个波兰孩子Konrad 成了好朋友。Konrad 的父母是我认识的非中国人中对孩子的教育最上心的(他们也是第一代移民,十几年前从波兰来美国读书的 ,所以和在这里的波兰人对孩子教育的理念很不一样)。他在业余时间经常去西北大学的Center for Talent Development 上提高班,今年暑假里还上了一门算学分的几何课,打算上高中时几何免掉。儿子几次考试都比他略少几分,於是开始把他作为追赶的目标,经常跟我们说起他和Konrad 之间的竞争。在他的影响下,儿子主动要求明年去西北大学考SAT,还要求也去西北上统计和几何课。
Konrad 和儿子一样,对机器人也很感兴趣,今年九月他和他弟弟,我儿子和另外一 个朋友组织了一个团队,参加First Lego League 的比赛。每周末这四个孩子在我家聚集,设计机器人,研究图书馆的能源利用效率等等,非常开心。离比赛还有一个月,他们已经成功地完成了十四个mission 的一大半。我作为他们这个团队的“教练”,当然也得陪着他们,给他们出主意,帮他们找资料,联系去图书馆现场勘察访问,虽然很花时间,有时也很累,看到他们信心十足地憧憬过关斩将进入“World Festival”的样子,我心里非常庆幸儿子找到了和他兴趣相投,对他有积极的正面影响的朋友!希望他们的友谊能够长久!
Thanks for all the kind suggestions! But I will never send my daughter to a boarding school! Never! I only have this one daughter, and I want to see her growth with me. In fact, we live in a very good community, but there is only one best public high school in the downtown area (number 3 nationally based on some criteria evaluation). But most of the time the students are competing with Asians (Chinese, Indians, Kareans). I hate that and I don't want her to do that. She is always number one in her school but I don't want her to be that competitive. Being number 1 or going to Harvard does not necessarily make you happy, especially for a girl. I always told her if you get a "B" in your class, it is OK. She also has very good social skills. She was selected as the most outstanding student (student of the year when she was in 6th grade) and she was selected as the President of the model UN program when she was in 7th grade. My point is: Happiness and have a better life are more important than all of the above I mentioned.
We have a very close friend whose daughter just went to Harvard last year and that girl is definitely a genius. Now her parents are worrying about her too.Their worry is: who would want to be her husband in the future? You may laugh at me for saying that! But here is her simple life list:
Smart, tall (5.7 feet) and pretty,and so good at everything (She got accepted by all 8 colleges in the US last year including Harvard, Yale, Prinston, Standford, U-Pen....). She can speak 4 languages, number 1 in 2 consecutive Olympic chemisty games, number one in essay competition state level and got $10,000 for that, number two in piano competition state level, Captain of school debate team, selected as one of the delegations visiting China this summer (3 weeks free for evertying and visited Hong Kong, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hongzhou, and Xi'an). During the whole trip, two CCTV reporters were following them and my friend's daughter was always the most outstanding, because she is the only one that can speak Chinese very fluently and she hosted two big celebration parties for this delegation. And she is only 19!
My point here is: if your child is a genius, let her be. But my daughter is not. Her IQ may be the top 20% or 10%, but definitely not top 1% like that girl (that girl was already selected as the editor of Harvard press, a press where JFK was the chief editor!). If she is not that smart, I don't want her to work that hard to keep the number 1. It is too hard and definitely not good for her future life.
So good that I could share with you guys about that genius girl I know! Sorry Zhao Jun for the long comments here:)!
If you school district in Florida is not good enough, don’t sale your home and move out! Move your child out to a boarding school! They study, they play, and they work and dine together. They learn from each others social behaviors. We know that 90% of an academic excellence is not a guarantee to break glass ceiling late on in their job. We have to let our child to learn how to merge into main stream of the American Society!
The best place for that to happen is when they are young and lives together.
My experience tells me that when my daughters achieved a straight-A'status ever since her elementary school to junior high school, (our school district HS API is about 825) then how would you compare your daughters achievement with other school district or to let her improves more? Not only in an academic field but most important in social skill as well. Answer is very obvious indeed.
I am not saying boarding school is the only choice, but it is an excellent one. Remember, boarding school students usually have a lot more better family background as well. They talks differently.
Boarding school may not be as expensive as you may think of, some schools offers up to 41% of students body with financial aid package (see: http://www.andover.edu/admission/financial_aid.asp.). A family income of $70,000 is considered as low income family and qualifies for aid.
You may consider enrolling in a boarding school to improve your child’s social skill.
I have two daughters; both are graduated from boarding schools, one in Boston area, and other in Pebble Beach area. They had shown themselves excellent social skills besides academic achievements. One was selected to be a class secretary in a class of more than 300, which more or less polished for their adult life later on. I believed that education is not free; you have to make an investment on it.
lucky your sons! My daughter also has 3 very good friends: an American girl, an Indian girl, and a Korean girl. But we want to move to another county next year for her high school, which is less competitive than the one she wants to go.
The school system in Florida is very bad compared to the Northern part schools. My daughter is already very strict with herself and always wants to do her best, which is not very good for a girl from my perspective. I always tell her you don't need to be the best, just try 90% of your efforts. Happy is more important than being number one.