昨天墨西哥总统到国会访问并讲话,高调批评亚利桑那州最近通过的控制非法移民法,称此法是“种族歧视”,尽管该法明确规定不能使用 “racial profiling". 有意思的是,国会中的民主党成员们竟然全体起立,热烈鼓掌(near the end of this 3 minute video recording)!!看到这滑稽的一幕,真让人不知身在何处!
当然墨西哥总统也承认,自己的国家对造成非法移民问题负有直接责任。尽管如此,他对亚州新法的批评还是 out of line。不过客人如此behave,和主人的听之任之甚至身体力行恐怕不无直接关系--- 想来美国人和墨西哥人也懂得客随主便这个道理。如果不是奥总先做了榜样, 不止一次地在外交场合对其他国家的领袖(包括中国的胡锦涛)表示对亚州新法“种族歧视”的不满,墨西哥总统又怎么会如此?明明是自己的国家的问题导致大量非法公民逃离祖国,跑到邻国引起问题,却谴责邻国地方民选政府通过民选推出的法律是“种族歧视”,I dont know what to say!
民主国家的领袖,当然有权利对自己国家的一些政策进行批评和道歉,问题是身为 一国总统,在外交场合至少要讲究一些基本的约定俗成的礼仪和常规,要有节制,能顾全大局,不能随随便便想说什么就说什么。我相信作为宪法专家, 奥总不会像他的Attorney General Eric Holder 那样,连看都没看这个法案就"严厉抨击" (当然他还算诚实,很快就承认自己确实没看这个法案,没有死咬到底); 但他似乎不知道最新的民调表明61% -75% 的受调查民众支持亚利桑那此法(According to one survey, more than 8 in 10 surveyed Republicans and 54% of surveyed Democrats share this view, and more than 69% of surveyed people say they wont mind if they are stopped by law enforcement officers to prove their legal identity - see link below; Other surveys like the Pew survey cited even higher support rate) -- 总不能说61% -75% 的美国人都是种族歧视者吧?! 当然他可以说这是有样本偏差,不可信的民调云云, 但这些权威机构的民调,一般都会遵从严格的抽样标准,以保证可接受的样本代表性和结果的可推广性.
尽管俺也不认为对这个法是解决非法移民的对策,但至少是一个开端, 因为非法移民问题不能再不管了. 面对日益尖锐的非法移民问题和与之相关的种族矛盾,不采取实际的行动,只会翻来覆去地承认联邦政府 failed to do its job on immigration reform, 那么comprehensive immigration reform 在哪里呢? 光说不练有什么用啊?地方政府必须天天面对实际的后果,take action with its own hands, 又说人家是流氓法,是越权越界是违宪。话说回来,该法是否违宪还很难说,因为该法只是对现在已经存在的有关联邦法进行了具体的执行而已 (现在民主党对该法的挑战已经从最初声称该法违宪转为指称该法违背民权条款)。University of San Diego Constitutional Law professor Lawrence Alexander 说:“Those groups say the Arizona law also violates the U.S. Constitution by interfering with federal immigration power and authority.That argument would fail because the Arizona law does not conflict with federal immigration law. The state law is only seeking to enforce the federal law -I don’t see anything in this law that is going to fail a challenge on the grounds of federal supremacy,”
最后再来一点follow up:Calderon 总统在此次访问中还接受了CNN 主播 Wolf Blitzer 采访(CNN可是民主党自己的媒体喉舌), 其中有这样一段对话:
Blitzer: Does the Mexican govt go around checking for papers of illegals?
Calderon: Of course.
Blitzer: If someone comes into Mexico from Guatemala on the southern border, can they just move in and go get a job.
Calderon: If they dont have permission, we send them back.
正如节目中所指出的,墨西哥的法律直到一年前还将“非法入境”定为 felony , 违者可以得到高达十年的牢狱之罚;尽管这个法案已经被拿掉(是否是这位总统的政绩我不清楚),但他自己也承认,他们的警察也会 “go around and check for papers of illegals", 而且一旦发现对方是非法移民,将会立即遣返出境 -- 如果他自己 的国家对“非法移民”都采取这样的行为,他有什么资格批评美国一个州的法律?
First they came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up, because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me.
Thanks for your comment. "US has immigration law, but federal government does not enforce it, cause the border states big headache", --that's the real problem and the point I'm trying to make here too!!
All, no other country like US welcome immigrant. When the European immigrants arrived American back to 18 and 19 century, they get nothing, you have to work hard on ur ass. They didn’t ask for free medical, free education, free food stamp. US has immigrantation law, but federal government do not enforce it, cause the border states big headache, I bet you don’t like people trespassing in your backyard, do u? AZ people took their own action, what wrong with that. This is state law. It is sad see our president and congress let Mexican president piss off our people in state capital. If u don’t enforcement your own law, why other country respect you. I bet you will say nothing if you stop by Beijing cop if u don’t have valid status in china. President Calderon is an idiot, he has no argument on AZ law since he admits If they don't have permission, we send them back.”
KM: 浪宽此文虽然整体有些过于悲观,但指出了美国一些制度上的根本问题。我不否认美国现行制度的相对合理和优越性, 但如果把它当成放之四海而皆准的制度, 就是 misguided。可惜美国人民如果不真正对自己的问题进行深刻的反思,痛下决心进行改变(not just shouting the slogans),这个国家前景堪优。
谢谢评论。我也想把评论 steer back to the focal point here,不过好像不太管用:)。 关于哈佛教授这件事,以前也写过一篇文章 -- 到底是 racial profiling,还是教授自己把自己放在受害者位置上过份敏感造成的冲突,现在不是很清楚吗? 如果他真的是 racial profiling 的对象,您想他会不上诉吗? http://blog.creaders.net/dreamweaver/user_blog_diary.php?did=44451
我当然知道这个法之所以 vulnerable to challenge,就是因为它可能被滥用-- 但什么法律没有被滥用的可能?而且, racial profiling 原则上当然是不对,但事实上,针对其他族裔的 racial profiling 早就存在 -- 比如9/11 之后针对穆斯林的 racial profiling -- 在机场和其他敏感场合,对这个族裔的人的 monitoring 肯定比其他族裔 strict。为什么?就是因为在恐怖分子 population 中这个族裔是 overly represented -- 这和某个族裔在非法移 民这个 population 里面是 overly represented 一个道理--因此针对非法移民的法律肯定会 over proportionally target 某个族裔,尽管它本身不是针对某个族裔的 --为什么前者就是大家可以接受的,后者就是大逆不道?
话说回来,到底谁是弱势群体,还真的很难说得清楚呢,这点在我那篇“杂谈美国 的种族关系”中已经作了很多讨论,这里不想再多说。只是想指出一点,作为一个 社会,美国对于各种"弱势群体" (actual and claimed)的制度性保护和 favorable treatment 已经做得很好了 (在某些方面这种保护甚至到了过份的地步了,这也是为什么有许多人-- including members of the "protected groups" 在讨论废除平权法的主要原因- 这个具有很正面的历史作用的立法,也许随着时间的推移和社会的变迁,已经成为 irrelevant regulation -- of course it is easy said than done)-- 想想吧,在这个国家,唯一不受平权法和相似法律保护的群体是40 岁以下,没有身体和精神残疾, 异性恋的白人男子(or the so-called "dominant mainstream group")! 还有哪个国家有这样广泛的对“弱者”的保护?。
保险公司最希望交Premium的人群越多越好, 相互拾掇之下,出台了个“非法移民可以合法开车的议案”, 民主党通过,Grey Davis 也签字了!
这一下如同捅翻了马蜂窝, 有投票权的老白们议论纷纷,义愤填膺之下就是Recall,
Davis's second term, which lasted only ten months, was dominated by the recall election. Davis signed into law several controversial measures during the closing weeks of the recall campaign, including one granting drivers' licenses to illegal immigrants. Davis also signed legislation requiring employers to pay for medical insurance for workers and legislation granting domestic partners many of the same rights as married people. He vetoed legislation giving illegal immigrants free tuition for community college. Many of Davis's opponents were furious over the signings of these measures during the final weeks of the Davis administration.[83] Some political observers say these efforts as an attempt to reinforce support from Hispanics, labor union members, and liberal wing Democrats.[83] Ultimately, Davis did not have as much support from Hispanics and union members in the recall election as he did in his 2002 re-election.[16]
The 2003 California recall special election was the goal of the "Dump Davis" campaign, and constituted the first gubernatorial recall in Californian history, and only the second in U.S. history.
Google - Grey Davis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_Davis#Recall
这里的观点和喜欢不喜欢非法移民无关,而是对政府在这个问题上有法不依不喜欢。这是两回事。俺也从来没说过要赶尽杀绝,呵呵。 您提到纽约街头强暴中国女孩的事件,我也听了一点,知道那位强奸者就是一个非法移民。当然根据您的说法,大概围观者很多也是非法移民。但不知那位刚刚来美两个月的中国女孩也是非法移民吗?这件事当然只是孤立的事件,因此我不想提及,免得被人说成是 over-generalization ,or exaggerate inter-racial conflicts (like to expand the murder of the Indian doctor by the Chinese doctor into racial conflict). 但至少,说明非法移民是一个很大的不稳定因素,而且不仅仅在边界各州。