文章评论 |
作者:usagi |
留言时间:2008-01-17 12:36:53 |
i totally argee with you, however, i think in Meridith's case, her mother's affair with Richard, and Richard didnt leave his wife for her also plays a roll with her trust issues in men.
dont we all at some point, especially now days ?
with colors and races i totally agree with you, that is one of the high lights in this show, which is wonderful. |
作者:.昭君 |
留言时间:2008-01-17 07:46:14 |
I won't dump bricks on you because you are my guest, hehe!!
I agree Meredith has a lot of personal baggages from her background, so that is making it hard for her to make commitment. But I sometimes wonder why she has so much issue trusting men, since it's her mother who betrayed her father, not the other way around! True, her father left them, but it's because of her mother's negligence and affair with Richard! Why blame him?
Your analysis of Burke and Christina are right on target, but I still want to see at least some of these highly aggressive and competitive people to be happy with their personal lives, rather than feel bad about their "unbalanced" lives!
As for the mixed gender and race among the doctors in this show, I think it's one of the greatest things about it. It makes the show so much more realistic - It is like the real world, where you have people with different skin colors, looks (how does a woman who looks like Dr. Bailey decide to enter the acting field? Let alone winning an Emmy, or something else?) work side by side. |
作者:usagi |
留言时间:2008-01-16 15:28:45 |
Meredith has a lot of personal problems i think mostly due to her mother, just like McDreamy and McSteamy were arguing about in the surgical preparation room.
Christina and Burke, I can't help but to think for Burke to be where he is at today in the surgical field, he had to probably work even harder than McDreamy and McSteamy, so is Christina, and she is highy competetive, which is all understandble. so for 2 people with such characteristics to be together is going to be so hard.
Dr. Baily is the nazi in the resident program, which we all know, but i think a lot of the shows' characters are also based on color and gender. so...
anyway, im just rambling on, dont mind me. |
作者:usagi |
留言时间:2008-01-16 15:15:41 |
hehehehehe, although i admire Rice's abilities and talents, and yet, i believe a woman's place is at home and be with her children. :P
so people, please dont brick me :P |
作者:.昭君 |
留言时间:2008-01-14 14:59:18 |
不过我同意您和阿黛的观点,不管男人女人,快乐的关键是要有正常的心态,不然 就会永远没有满足。这两天正在写一篇关于孩子自信心的文章,可以把这个观点加 进去。
I know! But if you always compare yourself to these highly accomplished people, then you can't appreciate what you have achieved in life. So let's enjoy what we have while admiring these "superwomen" :)! |
作者:usagi |
留言时间:2008-01-14 14:26:10 |
赖斯, concert pianoist, figure skater and she cooks :D, start to teach at Stanford at age 28.
well, life is hard to work on |
作者:乐活 |
留言时间:2008-01-14 12:08:27 |
男人女人都好做,只要不贪心,有自知之明,量力而行. |
作者:乐活 |
留言时间:2008-01-14 12:05:55 |
男人女人都好做,只要不贪心,有自知之明,量力而行. |
作者:.昭君 |
留言时间:2008-01-13 19:57:21 |
是啊,我也不喜欢这个“女强人”之称,其实我们只不过是事业家庭都想要而已, 呵呵。
That's more like a dramatized life to me, and maybe that's the appeal of the show :)! I don't think people who have so much dramas going in their lives can concentrate on their demanding jobs for a long term like these characters do! At least for me if I have so much conflicts going on, I will lose my focus. Or maybe they simply use their jobs as an outlet to distract them from those problems? Anyway, life is too complicated to fit in one model! |
作者:.昭君 |
留言时间:2008-01-13 15:11:51 |
欢迎欢迎,以后请常留言- 咱俩可是“同日生”啊:)。
你说得很对,相比男人,女人的选择要多一些,就像张爱玲的一篇杂文中说的: “女人进可做老板,退可做老板娘,最不济还可以做老板的娘”, 哈哈! 再说, 做女人再难,也比做男人要丰富多彩,就冲男人一辈子只能穿裤子这一点,我就不 要下辈子做男人,呵呵。 |
作者:阿 黛 |
留言时间:2008-01-13 14:09:53 |
昭君你好. 你的播客我经常光顾,第一次留言就要唱反调了:))
哦,生日快乐!! |
作者:123 |
留言时间:2008-01-13 13:41:53 |
Thanks 昭君. "Grey's Anatomy 是我唯一每集必看的电视剧" too. Agree with you, but it is life, isn't it?! |
作者:桑妮. |
留言时间:2008-01-13 13:02:05 |
写得好! 最难的是我们这样家庭事业一肩挑的女人, 有时被人称做女强人, 我总会下意识地检讨自己, 是不是什么事情没做妥. 不容易啊. |
作者:星光 |
留言时间:2008-01-13 10:46:48 |
昭君,海棠 同意你们所说如今社会,男人难做,女人也难做。既然在外面都这么不容易,回到家里就该理解万岁,彼此宽容一点,最起码有个可以活得轻松一点,疏解压力的地方。 |
作者:.昭君 |
留言时间:2008-01-13 09:59:56 |
哈哈,作为女人写“女人难做”当然有点给自己喊冤的嫌疑,不象你写“男人难做” 那么为男人作想,善解人意罗! 不过,要想那位男士博主来为咱们写篇做女人的难 处,那可能是很困难的事情,所以昭君也就不顾这个嫌疑了。话总得有人说吧,对 不对? |
作者:海棠 |
留言时间:2008-01-13 09:26:48 |
男女两性要和谐相处,重在彼此理解。作为在家庭和事业间战战兢兢求生活的女子,女人难做的艰辛罄竹难书:) 之所以选“男人难做”为先,是“大女子”“高姿态”的心理在作怪,希望能抛砖引玉,触发男网友们也能理解我们一把:)
写得好,完全同意。作为女人,当顶不疑!! |