小提琴与乐队的《引子与回旋随想曲》(Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso)是圣-桑(Saint-Saens)的小型音乐作品里最流行的一首,这首乐曲感情奔放,情绪大起大落,很能触动人心。这首乐曲写于1870年,是圣-桑为初露头角的西班牙小提琴大师萨拉萨蒂(Sarasate)所写,音乐有浓郁的西班牙风格,热烈狂放的阳刚之气与苍郁忧伤的悲凉情绪交织在一起,浪漫主义特征十分明显。引子部分是小提琴奏出的幻想式的歌调,这个曲调忧郁苍凉,又不失优美华丽,预示出全曲的西班牙风韵。回旋曲的主题部分由小提琴奏出轻快敏捷的主部主题,节奏以切分音为基础,显示出热烈奔放的西班牙性格。轻快的主部旋律不断重复,把各种不同情绪的插部音乐引进来,插部音乐时而高扬时而低回,有舞曲风格的、有抒情性的,铿锵有力的西班牙节奏使音乐的性格化特点十分突出。音乐是绚丽多彩的,小提琴华丽技巧得以充分的展示。
Help!!! I have encountered a different kind of problem since posting the two videos today -- Now even when I'm trying to post a plain article (with no video, no picture, no audio at all, just some English and Chinese words!!), I still received the "Failure to Publish" message!! I tried to do a "test" post with "test" in the title line and main text, and it actually went through. But when I copied the real title and text in that space, it failed again!
Ugh! This is so frustrating! Maybe it has something to do with the videos I posted today??
The description of this piece was ZTed from somewhere - forgot where. Not written by myself.
Enjoy this great masterpiece!!! Isaac is one of the violin legends of the 20th century, although the recording quality back then somehow undermines his brilliance. I've watched Sarah Chang play this piece at both CSO and Ravinia. Absolutely amazing!!!!
Sorry no English this morning. I'll post more concert pieces later.