LG 的车(那天不知为何和LG 换车开来着),我自己开本田 Pilot。他一听更笑了,说他家也是太太开 Pilot,他自己开Camry , 而且两辆车和我的都是一个颜色!我们都为这个巧合感到很好玩。因为他来自密西根,我很自然地也和他聊了聊丰田的事情,他的观点和我这位同事也很相似。虽然这只是一个很小的样本,但来自两位对美国汽车工业比较了解的,本身就是研究创新和公司竞争的学者,我觉得可能还是有一定代表性的
Check out 的时候他又叮嘱我,说因为车内的计算机重新调了软件,所以可能要有几天“磨合”的时间,这几天车子开起来可能有些像新车那样的“不顺手”的感觉, 让我不要担心。开出车行,好像是觉得有点不“顺手”,心想可别刚“检修”完毕就发生那传说中的刹车不灵或者加速器失控的问题啊。打开收音机,好像听证会还在继续,但这毕竟不是什么大选之类的“国家大事”,所以NPR 没有全程跟踪,不过还是听到丰田总裁章男重复了好几次的话:“我和丰田公司,都不是完美的,我们会犯错误。。。”
昭君, Here is a link to an piece called "4WD vs AWD and the Fallacy of Snow Traction". It's fairly easy reading and I know you won't be awed by the little technical jargon here.
Road carnage is all around us. A car is not a plaything. It is one's most important possession (after the house). It is a powerful and potentially lethal device. I know you'll pick the right car and your boy will exercise all the common sense and caution in the operation of his new pride and joy. Good luck.
昭君, According to my husband’s explanation, AWD (all-wheel drive) means four wheels are rolling at the same time when you are driving. However, 4WD comes with an option between two-wheel drive mode and four-wheel drive mode, which can allow the driver to manually switch.
Since talking about car is not my expertise, that’s all I can say. Sorry for not helping a lot.
昭君 and friends out there: as I said, my 2010 Toyota Corolla went in today to 完成召回服务. Thanks to your "瞎想", I asked my service advisor some detailed questions. Here is my report:
1. I was offered a loaner car for a day, was told that Toyota authorized the loaner car, not the dealership. You did not get a loaner car, call your dealership to get $32.50
2. The current fix is not a sure thing, Toyota R&D is working hard on this, there might be another recall to fix the current recall. Currently, they put a small metal piece behind the accelerator to reduce friction.
3. The current accelerator is an "electronically-controlled" type. It is American made. The same accelerator, or of the same type, is also on all GM cars. GM is not doing a recall.
4. Last year, the multi-billion dollar Cash-for-Clunker program was supposed to benefit GM, and the other two, but most of the money went to Toyota. So this is the pay back time. This morning, the service department was 车水马龙. The service advisor said “business is really good, we have added many new people lately”.
"一个朋友说打死她也不买 bmw. 我问为什么,她说 … 她以前的老板就是开宝马,整天上铺子修" I 100% agree with "usagi" BMW, the German technology, can't even keep the windows working. High pressure fuel pumps die all the time (BTW: no recall on the pump, but to extend warranty to 100,000 miles). As you said, "its power is well known" - agree, and that's about it. Buy a Twin-Turbo BMW for your LG if he has midlife "crisis" someday, the trouble will cure his problem right away.
Having bought two cars for my kids, my recommendation is: Toyota Corolla, Honda Civic, and Nissan Sentara. BTW Corolla give ~35 miles/gallon highway-local mixed.
Hope I am mot brain-washed by the Toyota service advisor.
Twocentsworth: We might have to buy another car for our son (he's starting driving this summer),so I'll certainly take your advice into consideration:).
只做评论: 谢谢评论。美国的长处早就不在制造业上了,manufacturer of the world 以前是日本,现在是中国。美国这十几年的强项是在创新行业,比如IT, 生物技术等,但在能源和其他的新技术上却有落后的趋势。所以很难讲是否能保持它在创新领域的领先地位。至于金融方面的“创新”(like the derivatives),其实是不创造新的财富的,并不能真正成为一个国家保持领先地位的根本。
Since our “conversion” to German, we’ve driven MBs and Audis. The MBs have been reliable workhorses. Also MB’s repair costs can be “predicted” at the time of buying the car (ask the salesman), and the actual bills often come in below estimate, plus the service is courteous and professional. The Germans adopt a “preventative maintenance” philosophy; you bring the car in at preset intervals. They go over the car thoroughly and replace engine fluids and parts before their actual end-of-life. This minimizes the incidents like Mummy was talking about. Been through three MBs. We literally drove them into the ground. Enjoyed every one of them! Yes I agree German parts are expensive (after the warranty expires), but those MB parts are built to last. Only thing about German cars is that they use premium unleaded gas, which costs 14cents more per liter (about 55cents per US gallon) in Canada. That always bugs me.
If you prefer Japanese, give Subaru a shot. My doctor son drives it. He has no complaints. So far Subaru has not been tainted by the recall-gate.
3stone: Thanks. I'll read it when I have more time:).
730222: Thanks for commenting. I know anyone has his or her own biase, and I'm not exception, but I try to see different sides of the incidence. I don't know much about the mechanics of cars, so I try not to give any "expert" opinions on the causes of the problem. Just my layman's perspective on the possible circumstances around this issue. That's all I'm trying to do here. There are many heated debate about this on the Internet, and this piece is certainly not intended to be on either side. It's a recording of my "strayed thoughts", that's all.
Mummy: I've heard a lot of bad things about German cars too. One common problem is that their quality tend to deteriorate after the first two or three years, and repair can be expensive (which used to be the biggest hurdle to their market success in the US). But their mechanic power is well known.
I know I am not supposed to have this much fun in one day, but I have to say more here...
"German cars are the best:)!!!" -- don't be fooled. The trouble I am having with my "宝"马 是说不完, 诉不尽啊! :( It died on freeway with only 7,000 miles! 80 miles/hr 呀.. 老婆孩子都在车上, that was scary! It goes back to the dealership almost evry month. It was supposed to be my "midlife crisis" car. 搞得我是再也不敢"中年危机"了. 还是老老实实地回到Japanese car, 可是, 跑了和尚跑不了庙, 怎么又栽里面了呢.