十月六日,高等法院开始听取 Snyder vs. Phelps 一案的证词,由此引发了又一轮关于“言论自由”的界限的讨论。虽然高法判决至少要等到明年春天才能下达,但因为它涉及到本博比较关心的几个话题(言论自由,军中同性恋身份, religious fundamentalism, etc), 所以还是忙里偷闲写一点相关的介绍,希望引起更多人的关注和讨论。
此案始于2006 年一场葬礼上的风波 -- 在20 岁的伊拉克阵亡战士Matthew Snyder的Maryland 葬礼外, 堪萨斯州Westboro Bapstist Church (该教会的创始人是牧师fred Phelps,会员则全部都是 Phelps 的大家庭成员-- 2007 年该教会只有75 个会员)的一些教徒手举抗议牌进行示威 - 他们抗议的原因并非出于反战的立场,而是因为Snyder的同性恋身份-- 他们的示威牌上写着诸如“God Hate the USA",("上帝仇恨美国"), You are Going to Hell" ("你会下地狱"!)等标语;该教会还在自己的网站上贴了一首诗,讽刺批评 Matthew 的父亲 Albert 和他的前妻(Matthew的母亲),说他们应该反省自己对 的教育。当然,该教会的抗议对象并非只是Snyder 一家人(Snyder 的葬礼并不是唯一受到该教会抗议的葬礼--在过去几年中,该教会成员已经在多达200 个葬礼上举行了类似的抗议活动)。他们的真正目的,是想通过这样的行为,来表达对“美国军方对同性和堕胎行为的纵容”的不满 -- 据该教会的发言人称,美国军人在阿富汗和伊拉克的牺牲,正是“上帝的惩罚”。在本来应该是肃穆庄严的葬礼上遇到这样的抗议活动,死者的父亲自然感到非常愤怒,因此以"intentional infliction of emotional distress" and "invasion of privacy" (“蓄意伤害他人情感”和“侵犯隐私”罪)为名对当地法院提出诉讼; 结果,教会被判处高达 $5 M 的罚款;但教会不服判决,向上诉法庭提出上诉;后者驳回了原判(该上诉法院认为原判侵犯了Phelps受“第一修正案”保护的“言论自由权利”); 因此原告Albert Snyder 将此案上诉到最高法院受理。
在昨天的高院证词听取过程中,该教会的成员继续在法院外面高举标语牌进行示威。这次的标语牌比在 Snyder的葬礼上的就更加多样了,包括“Thank God for Dead Soldiers"("为死掉的战士而感谢上帝"), "Fags will go to hell"("同性恋者下地狱!") , “America is Doomed"("美国完蛋了!") , 等等。下面的两个视频是相关的电视新闻报道,感兴趣的朋友可以从中看到更详细的内容:
此案的关键问题是:它到底是有关言论自由,还是应该作为“骚扰罪”来审理?对此,涉案双方各执一词 --教会的律师Margie Phelps (该教会创始人Fred Phelps 的女儿)认为: “Snyders newspaper obituary, which announced his death and funeral location, immediately turned the family into public figures and thus fair game for funeral picketing” . ("Snyder在当地报纸上刊登了儿子葬礼的公告,因此本来是私人事务的葬礼便成为了公共事务,所以我们在他的葬礼外举行示威活动是完全合理的"); 她并指出,参与抗议的教会成员“ are careful to protest far from the actual funeral ceremony”(“教会成员很小心,在离开葬礼场地一定距离的地方举行抗议。。。”. ); 但原告则认为,在报纸上刊登“一句话的葬礼声明”并不会将本来是私人行为的葬礼变成“公众事务”,因为“"In small-town U.S.A., any time theres a death of a child, the local newspaper reports it. Because Mr. Snyder gave a one-sentence quote to a local newspaper doesnt make that a public event, under any stretch of the imagination. If it does . . . every death of a child across this nation would all of a sudden become a public event. I dont think thats an appropriate state of the law." ("在许多小城市,每当人们的儿女去世,都会在当地报纸上刊登公告。。。 Snyder先生在报纸上刊登了 一句话的公告,并不意味着他的儿子的葬礼就此成为公共事务,这完全是强词夺理。。。如果这样的话,那么是否美国成千上万的葬礼都成了公共事务了?我不认为这是对相关法律正确的解读"). 因此,原告认为,此案和“言论自由”无关; Matthew 的父亲Albert说, "I have one chance to bury my son, and they took it away from me". ("我只有一次机会埋葬我的儿子,而现在他们将这个机会从我手中夺走了。。。"); 基于此,他认为教会成员的行为构成了“骚扰”罪,应该对自己和家人的精神损失予以赔偿。
而在证词听取过程中几位大法官的意见,也颇耐人寻味,尤其是新任大法官Sotomayor 和Kagan 的立场,很值得关注.一向有保守倾向的大法官Ruth Bader Ginsburg 这样说: "This is a case about exploiting a private familys grief" ("这个案件是有关(教会成员)利用他人家庭的悲哀(来达到自己的目的)"); 她质疑教会成员使用的“第一修正法”所给予公民的“言论自由”权利,是否适用于这个案例; Sotomayor 则这样问被告律师: “What you have not explained to me is how your speech directed at the Snyders constituted public speech, or speech about a public matter. Because you are talking about them raising Matthew for the devil, teaching him to, I think, defy the creator, to divorce and commit adultery. At what point and how do we take personal attacks and permit those, as opposed to- I fully accept youre entitled in some circumstances to speak about any political issue you want. But whats the line between doing that and then personalizing it and creating hardship to an individual?"("律师先生/女士,你没有解释清楚的是,教会成员针对 Snyder的讲话是否构成“公共讲话”, 或者是关于一个公共事件的讲话。因为他们谈到Matthew 的父母是在为魔鬼培养他们的儿子,并教育他违背造物主的教导,去进行离婚和婚外情等(罪)。。。(问题是),我们应该怎样对待这些个人性质的攻击,是否应该允许它们。。。尽管我完全同意人们在某些情况下是有权利对政治话题发表意见的。。。但是我们应该如何区分这种行为,和将这些意见个人化,并对他人造成伤害的行为呢?")
有人整天喜欢秀她那中式英语。晒晒下面这小段,只是其中之一.实在看不下去。"in high education field"? 很难令人置信!
“It is indeed not appropriate to use the middle finger to point at people, especially if it's directly toward somebody. But I've seen many Americans use the middle finger while pointing at things on paper while in conversation. So it might not be such a "taboo" after all. But better safe than sorry:).”
天婴: 谢谢你的关注!今天碰上刘小波的大“热点”,关心这篇东东的人不多,投票的人也只有三十多个。不过还是可以看出一点pattern: 在39 个投票者中,2票为"Not sure",9 票"Yes", 28 票"No"。Hope more readers participate, so I'll have more meaningful result!
确实如西岸所言,关键是需要界定public vs. private。高院判过一个类似案件-被告Larry Flint无罪,但争端是在杂志上,不是在葬礼。所以我也选NO,这种情况下不应被保护。
In 1988, Flynt won an important Supreme Court decision, Hustler Magazine v. Falwell, after being sued by Reverend Jerry Falwell in 1983 over an offensive ad parody in Hustler that suggested that Falwell's first sexual encounter was with his mother in an out-house. <b>Falwell sued Flynt, citing emotional distress caused by the ad.</b> The decision clarified that public figures cannot recover damages for "intentional infliction of emotional distress" based on parodies. After Falwell's death, Flynt stated that despite their differences, he and Falwell had become friends over the years, adding that, "I always appreciated his sincerity <b> even though I knew what he was selling and he knew what I was selling.</b>"
重金属: 对不起,再次诚恳地请你不要在我的博克对别的博主指名道姓进行攻击-- 尤其是对别的博主与此文毫无关联的文字。既然您也同意,“言论自由不应该伤害他人的感情”,那么请您也尊重一下他人吧。Freedom of speech is a two way road - I'm sure with your intelligence, you should understand this.
1) Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy.----看是故意SHIT还是不小心的了. 若是故意SHIT on you, 既使救了你的命,他也不是你的朋友. (他若想使你暖和他若对你好,完全可使SHIT之外的东西)
(2) Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend.-----看他是为什么get you out of shit了, 看他get you out of shit后,怎么对待你了.看他对待你,是为什么更长的目标了.
(3) And when you are in deep shit, it’s best to keep your mouth shut!----傻! 这样,你就等着憋死,被熏死, 烂死吧. 假如可能,你可以keep your mouth shut,但不要keep your 爪子脚丫也 shut. 在爪子脚丫不好使的情况下,我还是建议你用嘴咬出一条臭路出来的好些.
You can only take one lightly if he doesn't know the proper way to communicate, and if he doesn't know how to respect others so to respect himself, even though he sounds HEAVY. A ZT from 牛北村may keep him quiet. Here it goes:
A little bird was flying in winter. It was so cold the bird froze and fell to the ground into a large field.
While he was lying there, a cow came by and dropped some dung on him. As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of cow dung, he began to realize how warm he was. The dung was actually thawing him out! He lay there all warm and happy, and soon began to sing for joy.
A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate. Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung, and promptly dug him out and ate him.
Here are three morals of the story:
(1) Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy.
(2) Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend.
(3) And when you are in deep shit, it’s best to keep your mouth shut!