关于芝加哥申奥的笑话 明天上午,2016奥运会“鹿死谁手”就要揭晓。作为申请城市之一的芝加哥,自然是磨拳擦掌,加上围绕奥巴马总统前往哥本哈根的“controversy", 媒体有很多文章好做。下面是这几天在电台听到的一些有关此事的笑话,芝加哥人的油墨有趣可见一斑: 对话一: Host A: The stakes are so high, the Three Os are going for the Big O! (note: the three O stands for the prominent speakers on behalf of Chicago: Oprah, Michelle Obama and President Obama) Host B: Who else could go to make it even bigger? Host A: What about Michael Jordan? Host B: But his name does not start with O! Host A: Maybe he can change it to "Omally" - An Irish Jordan!! Host B: Well, the three Os are good enough! What can Rio bring to beat that? Host A: Maybe super model Giselle! Or other super thin ladies in thongs, ha ha! 对话二: Host A: If Chicago wins the Olympic bid, Mayor Daley will sure become "King Daley"! Host B: Well, maybe Daley will make sure that Chicago gets the bid by asking those people who voted for Chicago "to vote again!" (note: Its a running joke among Chicagoans that people here "vote early, and vote often") 对话三: Host A: Wheres the spokesperson Jesse Jackson Junior when the team needs him? Host B: Well, he is under federal investigation (for bribing to get Obamas senate seat), so he cant represent Chicago anymore! 笑话归笑话,作为芝加哥的公民,还是希望咱们的城市能够脱颖而出,让咱们也在六年后过把瘾。目前看来,鹿死谁手还真的很难说,本来芝加哥好像稍微占点上风,不料前几天芝城近郊一所中学的学生在校外火并(大概是黑帮之间的斗争),被好事者录下全过程在网上热炒,惹得白宫发言人都不得不对此进行评论,恐怕对申奥会有一点小小的影响。尽管芝加哥比起里约来,犯罪率肯定要低的多,但所谓的 recency effects, 还是不可低估的。 据说巴西总统在演说中居然“偷窃”了奥总的著名口号,也口口声声“Yes we can" 呢。早知如此,奥总应该为此口号注册一下所有权,不得滥用,呵呵。 |